
Why are we all here on earth?

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What's the reason for all of this?




  1. Simple, because we are Earthlings.

    If we are Martians we should be in Mars.

  2. we all have a purpose in life and were all here to show that love is the most powerful and beautiful thing. there's other people (souls) that are more advanced that are just trying to teach us love because the world is very destructive. we need to all have faith in the lord (even though a lot, a lot, a lot of people don't believe in religion) and just show love to one another.

  3. I think of life as providing a means for the universe to experience itself.  

  4. because we are

  5. there is no "reason" for it, all life is a big cosmic accident.

  6. you mean why is the earth the shaped the way it is round so when we leave and do and see new things when we return we are kinda stuck onit so we can think about going and doing something new!

  7. Camus would say that the search for meaning in a meaningless and absurd world is the cause of all despair.

    But you must take it a step further and realize that only in meaninglessness are you free. Free to create your own meaning and give life your own purpose!

  8. Hello:


    Seriously though the great meaning of it that there is no meaning.  We happened about by chance...we are the culmination of a series of events that took place before us.  While it appears that life itself is not unique the fact that we have been produced into the individual that is typing (me) and whomever is reading (you) has happened by pure chance.

    I hope this helps

    Rev Phil

    PS  really then its gravity.  

  9. You want a better mind puzzle - prove that we are here or anywhere (wherever you want that place to be).  It could all be just a construct of your mind (whatever that may be)!  The old 'I think, therefore I am' - what is think?  Maybe what you perceive as "your thoughts" are just a bunch of energy surges bouncing off one another in some cosmic pool somewhere, and then being interpreted thereafter by something else.

    I don't know if this answer helps or is intelligent, but I guess the concept of "reasoning" is what I'm trying to illuminate.  You can go off on theoretical challenges to almost anything and speculate possibilities about everything.  The only true sense, we as humans have for understanding things and making sense of matters is our ability to reason through with our highest form of intelligent thought.  Examine all the data for yourself - you make the call - give it your best and go from there.  Welcome to Life!

  10. fulfill the axiom "...death and taxes" are the only things certain...

  11. Because your mommy and daddy loved each other very much. The rest is history.

    The meaning of life, in general, is not spiritual, nor philosophical in nature. The meaning of an individual life, however, is. It's up to you to find out what that meaning is for you.

  12. We are here to learn and grow by experiences as individuals into something finer than we see now - cosmic consciousness - which is beyond human concepts. The human race is in the early stages of development since we are still engrossed in the physical realm and regard this as the real but it is not. We are here to unfold the higher states of mind, a state of consciousness which exists beyond the sense world of time and space.

    Perhaps some of this will help to realize our place in the universe, to quote my fave author MacDonald-Bayne:

    You can never comprehend your own consciousness because as soon as you try to grasp it, it recedes further away from you, and what you are seeing is something external to yourself, and so it is to eternity. So it is with the highest - even the greatest archangels and artificers in the universe. God controls them through Consciousness; their consciousness is the moulding force to things external to themselves, yet while endeavouring to fathom their consciousness, it further recedes; and so it is with you. But by constant contemplation and aspiration you find peace, bliss and ever new joy in that consciousness. When you completely realize this consciousness you are free, no longer controlled by external relative things or affected by them. This is the realization of the Truth - the true ecstasy of life.

    Some have said, "God created His Universe so that He could learn more and gain more power." How can the Infinite learn more when He is omniscient? He does not need any more power because He is omnipotent. His Intelligence is the intelligence in all things. The "why" of God we cannot question, that is beyond our comprehension, but the "how" of God we can grasp by understanding. The universe is unbounded, universes within an unbounded Universe. . . .

    I want you to realize what a "mental concept" really means. It is an idea or image which you have produced in your mind. It may be true, and yet it may not be true. When we begin to analyze our concepts, we find that many have crystallized and set, because we believe them to be true, and then we find ourselves supporting our ideas and concepts by argument, sometimes of a violent nature. The concept or idea we are supporting may have no foundation in truth whatsoever, and when fresh knowledge is brought to bear upon it, it may change. But thousands have lost their lives, many murdered or slain in cold blood, because of crystallized concepts held immovable in the minds of many people. The secret of growth and understanding is to have a flexible mind, so that we can receive new knowledge and discard old worn-out concepts that are hindering the progress of humanity.

    In our present plane of consciousness, we react to our immediate surroundings through our physical senses.

    I will endeavour to show you the different planes - the smallness of the earth plane on which we are functioning, and the immensity of the outer planes. I hope the following diagram will give you the meaning I wish to convey. (diagram illustrated here) ... The higher planes interpenetrate the lower, yet extend further beyond, so you see the plane known as the earth plane is the smallest and vibrates at the lowest rate, although made out of the same substance. You have within you the elements of all the planes, and as each state of consciousness is entered, you get a greater understanding of the universe. It is possible to go even beyond this planet as our consciousness expands. Consciousness always recedes, yet we become personally conscious of more of the wonderful universe of God, which becomes external to our consciousness as we progress. This will explain how even the greatest find that consciousness always recedes while they gain more and more Love, Wisdom and Power thorugh understanding. Again I say: Blessed is he who hath neither seen nor heard, yet knoweth himself to be the Truth.

    We migrate from the earth plane to the greater earth or ethereal planes - from the lower to the higher. These are perhaps all invisible to you at present. The sun that you see is that portion of it that vibrates to the earth plane. You are conscious on this plane, the other planes are not visible to you yet. The light that exists upon this earth does not exist upon the higher planes; there is a greater sun, a much more powerful sun with a greater radiance which extends beyond our sun. It tells you in the Bible that the sun does not shine by day nor the moon by night, but a sun that always shines. These vibrations are too high for you to see on the physical plane. Light vibrations of the physical plane are from 450 trillion to 750 trillion vibrations per second, or 34 to 64 waves to the inch. Beyond these there exist vibrations into eternity which are invisible to us.

    I want you to keep in mind the Perfect Substance out of which all things have been created, and which exists everywhere. For in it physical consciousness is the smallest part of all, the material plane. Yet all other planes interpenetrate it and extend beyond it. ...

    As your consciousness expands to the higher planes, you know more, you understand more; you see this particular plane of material substance, which is the grossest and lowest manifestation of the consciousness, as a shadow - you can penetrate it, it is like a cloud of mist. It is no longer real to you now.

    Your consciousness penetrates all the planes, but you are unaware of it, yet it is possible to become conscious of it. This is the progress of mankind. This is the difference between real knowing and intellectual knowing. Let the Divine Impersonal Consciousness permeate your personal consciousness and limitations disappear. (continued)...

    Love and Peace be with you.


  13. Because nature produce us for develop her chain of life...we  are monkey in past..what we will in future that is mattar of nature's life chain..  

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