
Why are we all so pathetic?

by Guest65936  |  earlier

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We moan and groan, we complain and criticize.

We have a multitude of personal injustices stacked up against us. We constantly condemn those who are in power...and yet we do NOTHING against it. Except write on this rather silly and often infantile forum.

Is this forum (which has been condoned by the government, because believe me they would ban it if it was an effective means of change), just another way of individually disolving out grivences and issues in a safe environment without actually DOING anything about the issues which we find offensive.

Thoughts please.




  1. At the end of the day moaning and groaning is the only real way people have of expressing their views and letting of steam, as with Ireland recently voting no to the Lisbon treaty, straight away the politicians who are in charge came out saying, we will carry on, it makes no difference, we asked and you gave the wrong answer so we will ignore you, Britain has just taken the Lisbon agreement through the house of lords even though the Irish people said no. At the end of the day the only real voice you can have is to become a politician, which is not practical and open to the very few or to vote when we get chance, but as I have just explained this has no real effect. We may be a nation of moaners but apart from direct action, which is often outside the law, we have very few, if any other choices.

  2. Complete and utter agreeance from my side.

    Though complacent people make good governmental drones.

    But doing things requires action that many americans just don't have anymore.  It is tiring to fight and fight and fight, only to keep becoming the bad guy all the time.

    They strong arm us, lie to us, and we accept this.  I ain't doing anymore.

    Until they show me the law that requires me to pay income taxes, I ain't paying em.. even if I go to prison.  Don't care anymore.  I'll voice my opinions each and every day, no matter the reprecussions.

    The sad thing is, nobody wants to stand up anymore.  They want their big mac's shoved down their throats by smiling faces, and broken promises.

    Not on this end anymore.  I'm doing as much research as I can on the subjects of, taxes, science, media, and as much law as I can sink into this misunderstanding brain.  Once I find it, even more action will be required.. and it'll happen.

    Rebellion is what people call something that disagrees with their goals... doesn't mean it isn't right.

  3. I write to my MP as well and others such as councillors, MEPs etc.

  4. Are you putting yourself forward as a Representative for the Yahoo rebellion party ? no i thought not, just come on and slag of easy targets that are doing nobody any real harm, just getting things off their chests, join or create a political party if you feel strongly enough to stand up for you convictions ,otherwise leave us mere mortals to stew in our own juices,

  5. I like to call it DMS, or Daily mail syndrome.

    People like to moan and groan because it means they don't have to offer an actual explanation for their views, which are almost always based in ignorance or prejudice. Take comfort in the fact they don't do anything, or we'd have racist mob justice.

  6. I like pie.

    I'm pathetic if you say so.

  7. i blame are inner child

  8. theres no point moaning about the powers that be it was us who elected them to be there in the first place.

  9. You're right.

    We're pathetic.

    I'm going to head right down the shops now and commit mass murder. You've opened my eyes to the world. That'll show those Government pigdogs.

  10. You've hit the nail on the head!

    Places like this are an outlet, and they help us to "get over it", so i'm sure the govt is very happy indeed.

    There are so many problems and injustices caused by the spinelessness and corrupt nature or politicians, that we should do something about it. But what? Unless it's a protest against a far-worse-than-ours political injustice like Burma or an environmental protest, the media won't cover any demonstration as it doesn't appeal to our entertainment receptors.

    Well at least this isn't Africa, where the govt. shoots people who protest. hmm maybe it's because we don't protest..

  11. I only come on this site to laugh at the pathetic questions and answers.

  12. Individualism. No politician can match that because no-one shares their views exactly.

    Given the vast number of 'political positions' on a vast number of issues, good luck finding someone who matches your every position on every view.

  13. Exchanging ideas is all very nice but this is what is refered to as armchair politics and as you said offers no real threat. It is just another commercially viable means to at best let off a little steam, quite sad.

  14. Sure.

    Why not?

    Decode this lyrics ' Dirty old man"

    Have one try asking the men who would be king?

    On the blunders and slip-ups with human errors created back in the past with self lack of knowledge?

    Without being aware of it being expose in time after the mystery of us-911?

    Luke 8.5-8,10-17

    Decode this lyrics " Don't know much - about misery"

    Should everyone go back to school?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  15. Speak for yourself thats just your opinion not mine

  16. Some of us actually try to do something about the government, but fail because we aren't powerful enough.

    We moan and groan because out society has become lazy, and the media is blamed for that, glamourizing laziness and gluttony on an everyday basis.

    Yahoo is hosting this forum or whatever you call it for entertain it. I doubt it goes any deeper than that.

  17. we are pathetic. it's human nature. that's why I love animals - they don't fool themselves

  18. True. Isn't the truth just so much better than bullshit? It's so f*cking refreshing to hear a bit of truth from someone else on this site. Thanks.

  19. The British people have always enjoyed moaning, it's their culture and their way of life.

    A few years ago someone published a book titled, "The c**p Towns of UK".  What most surprised the publishers was the number of people who wrote in to complain that their town was not in the book of c**p towns and why?

    Happily the publisher supplied demand and published edition number two with lots more c**p towns.

    One thing the British people are not is big headed and over the top about their achievements, which are legion by the way.

    In a round about way, your questions is one big moan from start to finish.

    Join the whingers!

  20. Why are you moaning about people moaning?

  21. I agree completely.  Throw all the bums out and start over.  It's the only way.

  22. The Internet is a method for expression, whether in a forum or writing a blog.  Expression is easier here because speaking up in the real World means facing persecution.  It's a shame that personal view points have to be limited to the net but it is good that there are places for people to voice their mind.

  23. because  us the people of the uk have been gorund down by this wicked government and castrated to have any views which might change things.we are prisoners in our own country.

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