
Why are we allowed to vote for?

by  |  earlier

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Our own answers I know it doesnt mean anything but really should we and why does the asker not vote ,ok i usualy dont

just dont seem like we should be allowed to i know the question has been ask before and recived 7 answers but im just bored

Thanks Johnny

And why are we still getting credit for best ans




  1. Man this is a place for finding answers to your problems too.  I think reading others answers and questions is more important.  The feeling we get for receiving points is nice too.  The loneliest people find solace in this, just like I did.

    Cabin Fever is running rampant on Answer! Yahoo.  Please, please go out and play in the woods for a couple of weeks.  You will be surprised at the change it will make on your outlook on life.

    Please leave your radios, boom boxes, iPods, stereo head gear at home.  It can drive the wild animals clean out of park and they do a h**l of lot more damage when they stampede to civilized housing then any War can.

  2. Because it cuts down on the number of unresolved questions that are in voting.

    There are over a million unresolved questions that are in voting.

  3. I agree Johnny.  It's funny that we can vote for our own answers, but we can't give ourselves a thumbs up.  Remember when we could give a thumbs up or down for a question?  Now, all we can do is star a question.  I do wish that people would take the time to pick the best answer to their own question.  I only leave mine up to a vote if it was really close in my mind.  Later, Johnny.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

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