
Why are we allowing a hand full of speculators, stock brokers,oil companies destroy many economies world wide?

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A hand full of people leading our financial lives to h**l. Kids can not go to school because of them. They eat a meal a day(Hardly) because of them. People are not getting thier medicines because of them. Is this the new EVIL they where saying years ago.Is this a new form of terorist?Is this a new war between the rich and the poor? Why cant learders stop them?Must we all raise up and face this SATAN?They are just a hand full....




  1. That's a pretty blanket statement you've just made. Nobody is allowing anyone to do anything - it's just that most of the people with the power are choosing options that do not benefit the majority and only benefit themselves. All people in congress are locked into their position with funding from big companies that are doing this.

    People who stand up will get only so far -- it's up to the big guys to make the right decision.

  2. If I ran a business and had the option of you giving me very little of your  money or most of your money I would pick most every time.  It doesn't matter how wealthy you are just like it doesn't for the people making business decisions regarding these matters.  They're just trying to make money.  What you're asking is whether there should be a central directorate over seeing things that can exert itself in a more active role.  There's no satan involved, although I did see some investment bankers asking ougi board what stocks to buy once.

  3. It all rounds down to: SUPPLY AND DEMAND

    The world demand of gas has gone up and there hasn't been an influx of producing more gas, hence it DRIVES UP THE PRICE.

    The higher price for gas in turn causes higher transportation costs which RAISES food cost.

    It's not "one person" that is causing this economic downturn; it's a series of events which even the disaster in China has affected us because they used more Diesel fuel during their rescue operations which shot up the world price.

    We aren't allowing economies to "being destroyed", but it the fact that the consumers will react to world events based on their best interest. For example: Leaving their upside down mortgage and jumping into a NEW house that is worth more because the bank begins to send forclosure letters to the old house.

    There's less funding available for schools because the government can ONLY allocate a certain size piece of the pizza to different government entities. If you invest more money in EDUCATION, you stand to take away from our POLICE FORCE, ROAD CONSTRUCTION, MAIL SERVICES, DMV, and any other government entity that is ALSO suffering.

    Economics is the study of how people allocate scarce resources and even though we don't agree how they are all allocated; we just have to make the best of it.

    Economics is my major, btw :)

  4. The root of the problem is China and India; their demand is going up exponentially. OPEC and oil speculators are just capitalizing on the upshoot in prices as a result of this.

  5. It would have to take a world wide effort to put a clamp on commodity speculators.  If you stop speculating in America, then the speculators can just go to another market...but i do feel there does need to be more regulation

  6. I'll answer your question with a question. Why did slaves in US continue working for a master and endured abuse, even when they outnumbered him?

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