
Why are we answering student's coursework questions?

by  |  earlier

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These are early childhood students who are studying to be teachers. These are obvious coursework questions. I'm sure my friend will be upset with me again since I already emailed her asking why she's doing it. The answer was "I don't have time". Just some food for thought for those of you that are choosing to answer the questions.

I'm sure there will be a few of you that think I should mind my own business and I will after I stated my opinion...but this student and others doing the same are NOT going to retain this information and some day that individual may be your child or grandchild's teacher. Please consider that.




  1. I have seen this and it bothers me . . . heck, I managed through school without the internet and still did quite well thank you.

    ETA:  Have to say, asking for help or studying with another person/study group does not equal sitting there and typing all your homework onto a website for other people to do it for you.  I don't mind helping, doing the work is what I have a problem with, and I think that the original question is about.

  2. i do agree with you 100% and you need to ask that question to butterfly mbw since she expect us to do her homework for her.

  3. oh geez if it helps them and relieves a little stress then what is the big deal?  Answering one question for them isn't going to make them a horrible teacher. I'm sure all of you at one time or another have asked other people for help with a question to your college work. So what is the difference if they ask it on here or if they ask  someone in person? It's not like they are asking you to take the Praxis test or anything.

  4. I also have issue with all the early childhood education students that post questions straight from their homework and expect others to answer the questions for them. Why should an early childhood teacher give away answers to a future teacher? If you can't figure out your basic homework on child development why are you pursuing it? It's just frustrating to see that potential future colleagues and employees aren't willing to do their own homework. Do we really want to pass the torch of teaching the children who are our future to people who can't do their own homework?

  5. As a school director, I received multiple e-mails per week from students trying to get me to do their coursework for them — sometimes asking me to answer a list of 20 questions, sometimes asking for research data! Incredible.

  6. Because they ask.  After all, that's what YA is for, and it does not violate any of their rules.  

    Just ignore those questions and move on to those you consider legitimate.


    EDIT - I see you're still a bit new to the whole YA thing, and I felt as you do now when I started.  But, cheaters will always cheat, and there are THOUSANDS of questions you and I can really be a help on in other areas.  I like Etiquette and Wordplay, and will also go to R&S when I'm feeling strong

    Enjoy your time on YA

  7. I asked the same question about five minutes ago.  I'm answering them, but only to tell them where they can go to do the research themselves (just in case they don't know).

    I hope everyone else will do the same.

  8. To the person above me that answered with this:

    "oh geez if it helps them and relieves a little stress then what is the big deal? Answering one question for them isn't going to make them a horrible teacher. I'm sure all of you at one time or another have asked other people for help with a question to your college work. So what is the difference if they ask it on here or if they ask someone in person? It's not like they are asking you to take the Praxis test or anything."

    This person that is asking is not asking a question.  The person he is referring to is asking several questions at a time.  If you ever see a question by the person, try to ignore it.  I even go so far as to say report it.  


  9. I don't answer them.

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