
Why are we attracted to strangers we've never met?

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I've been speaking with a guy on guild wars that is in my new guild...we've talked two days and have become emotionally attached. How is that we can become attracted to a complete and total stranger that we have never met?




  1. hmm...two days is quite fast to be emotionally attached but it's just because you feel happy when you're speaking to that person i suppose :) you feel like they understand you. it's weird but sometimes thats the start to a beautiful friendship :)

  2. well i think its because its the thrill of just meeting someone new. you know absolutely nothing about them, and they know nothing about you. its a chance to start over and generally the person you are talking to would just sound too good to be true in just a day or two.

  3. Numerologically, your life path numbers and your star signs probably match.. I still think that running into strangers on the street or wherever is the best chance of ever having a long term relationship.

    Congratulations! :) Save me some wedding cake!

  4. you're personalities just mesh good. but personalities arent everything... (but neither is looks)

    and guild wars?! bleh. wow is better.

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