
Why are we celebrating Barbaro like the horse is some kind of human hero or athlete? Isnt it just an animal?

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Why are we celebrating Barbaro like the horse is some kind of human hero or athlete? Isnt it just an animal?




  1. so what your saying is that all the fine examples of human athletes are more important than any race horse. last time I checked  I didn't hear of any race horse commmiting crimes, or holding out for $7,000,000 ayear instead of $6,000,000. the reason we celebrate a horse like barbaro is because animals like children are seen as innocence and pure. they run for the sheer joy of running not for the money ( most horses don't even have bank top of that its about the people who tried to save him( I train horses at pimlico and was in the stable area when barbaro came back to the barn we all knew he couldn't survive,but to fight as long as he did is incredible) they did it strictly for the love of the animal not for money because with a leg that badly broken you couldn't chance trying to breed him. so yes barbaro was just an animal but a better athlete to celebrate I don't think you could find!

  2. Barbaro may have been a horse, but to many of us, he was an incredible athlete and hero. One of the other answerers compared him to Lance Armstrong. I would compare him to his trainer, Michael Matz. Michael is a genuine hero and a lifesaver- as well as a two time Olympic silver medalist in show jumping. Barbaro's tragic breakdown and courageous fight for life was an inspiration to just about everyone who followed what was going on. It's been years, perhaps even decades, since people have had a hero that they cared about that much- and we need heroes. Heroes remind us of who and where we are in life, and how much we can achieve. Heroes like this colt also do a lot to advance the cause of things like medicine and research, because people pay attention to their stories and are more likely to give money and time to something they believe in that has produced good results. In Barbaro's case, millions of dollars have been raised for research into the causes and treatment of the disease that killed him- and this is money that will one day benefit ALL horses everywhere, as fewer of them come down with and die of this terrible disease. It's estimated right now that something like 100,000 horses DIE from laminitis or its complications each year in the US alone- and no one knows how many are lost that might otherwise have been saved if we understood this condition better. There are other benefits to this as well- namely, we now have someone who can perform complicated, lifesaving surgeries on horses and actually have a reasonble chance of success. Eventually, there will be many more individuals like Dr. Richardson. In his own way, he is also a hero as well.  I think that celebrating Barbaro's life is a good thing- it helps keep us focused on what's important when it comes not only to the sport of racing, but also to the care and concern that we should all have for all animals in general. Just my thoughts.

  3. No,he isn't just an animal!! He was a magnificent horse,a Kentucky Derby winner and he might have been a triple crown winner if he hadn't gotten hurt.We celebrate him and the Vets who tried to save his life.Isn't it OK to care about something besides ourselves?There is plenty of sadness in the world,so please let those of us who care about "Barbaro"be and let us care.

  4. Barbaro wasn't just an animal or an athelete. Barbaro was something really special that brought so many people back into horce racing and pretty much saved the sport by himself. Watch Barbaro run openly in fields between races showed how beautiful of a horse barbaro was!

  5. Media needs to hype the Derby.  Viewership has been falling.  Too much d**n coverage.  Start coverage 15 min before post time.  

    Only a horse.  And one that lived too long.  d**n owners.

  6. Barbaro was a hero and an athlete.  He was unbeaten.  He won the Derby by (I think) the second widest margin ever and by (I know) the second fastest winning time ever (third fastest time run in the Derby...  Secretariat is first in both fastest time and fastest winning time...  Sham is second in fastest time, but did not win...  so that puts Barbaro 2nd and 3rd).

    Barbaro's kinda like Lance Armstrong or any other top athlete who fights his way through medical problems against all odds.  There was a time when that injury would have been an immediate death sentence and the horse would never have left the track alive...  just like there was a time when cancer was an immediate untreatable death sentence.

    Barbaro was a great athlete and a hero for winning all his races.  He was even more a hero for fighting and nearly overcoming all of his injuries.  He fought against the injuries until the very end when the pain became too much.  Whenever the nation loses a great hero, there's going to be much coverage of the event.

    And it's not just some lame attempt at ratings...  we have a history of honoring our injured horses who continue to fight on...  War Admiral cut his leg at the start of the Belmont, but ran the mile and a half (to win and take the Triple Crown) before coming up lame.  Seabiscuit pulled a tendon that was supposed to end his racing career (and possibly his life), but he made a triumphant return to racing.

    And why wouldn't we talk about Barbaro in the first Derby after his death?  It would be dishonorable and disrespectful not to mention him at all.  If you don't want to watch the Barbaro special on tv or don't want to watch the Derby, then don't.  I don't want to watch the NBA, but you don't see me complaining about it.  there's other things on television...  go watch those if you don't care about Barbaro and the Derby.  (this is more directed at the other answerers than the asker)

    just 1 other thing...  look at nascar...  how long ago did Earnhart die?  and we're still talking about him.  it's a horrible thing when we lose a great to the risks of the sport.  Those who give their lives to the sport get immortalized for it.  People will talk about Barbaro for years, just like we talk about Earnhart years after his death, like we still talk about Ruffian.  The horses are our heroes.  we couldn't have a sport without them.

    I think we know Barbaro didn't win the Preakness...  but it's a little stupid to say Barbaro was not undefeated because of that.  It's not like he lost for lack of skill in the race.  He was undefeated until breaking down.  Don't be ignorant.  I think we know the facts about Barbaro's race record.   It sounds like someone's a little bitter that they couldn't get their money back when they bet on Barbaro to win the Preakness.

  7. Yes, its just an animal. Lately it seems as though people respect the lives of animals more than they respect the lives of other Human Beings.

  8. Your question has obviously struck a number of nerves (as I'm sure it was designed to do!).  Barbaro displayed unique characteristics that are revered in humans.  Extraordinary skill.  Tremendous confidence.  Grace.  Speed.  Heart.  The ability to inspire.  A spirit that continued to shine even in the face of tragedy.  Not a bad resume.

  9. Barbaro was definitely an athlete.  Just an animal?  Sounds like you don't value animals very highly.

  10. just an animal?? just an animal??? wow. sounds like somebody doesnt care about animals. well barbaro was undeafeted, and he had to get put down at a young age. he was a champion, and an athlete

  11. You people Keep saying Barbaro was undefeated.


    He was undefeated going into the preakness, But he was a starter, bets were not refunded when he broke down, it was a Loss!!! He was a good horse don't get me wrong, but if you are going to criticize someone at least get your facts right.

  12. exactly, it's a horse nothing else.   i can understand why the people that owned the horse might be upset, but not others.

    are these people as upset when they see that a human died from cancer, gunshot, accicent, etc, i seriously doubt it.  PLEASE dont them read old yeller or bambi, the flags will be lowered

  13. true he is an animal but he is a very amazing athlete. the training those horses undergo is complicated. he acheived what most horses that are trained to race never get to see. only about 200 in 1000 horses trained ever get to race.

  14. JUST AN ANIMAL?? What do you mean? Barbaro was a wonderful horse and it seems you think animals aren't as good as you. Well, just a reminder, we evolved out of animals. So whatever you say, I think you you are wrong.

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