
Why are we criticizing Russia for what they are doing in Georgia? Are we Hypocrites?

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Why do we get involved in everything? Im sure Georgia isn't innocent. There are two sides to every story even though our media doesnt let us know that. We invaded to iraq for oil and didnt listen to the world, so why are we getting involved in other nations and condeming them?




  1. You are 100% right. This alicia person is on crack. Georgia is a fake democracy being propped up by the USA for what? You guessed it oil! Now you know why bush is pissed his pockets are being slightly less lined with gold! We can't have that!

    Russia is right and any moron that believes bush or mcbush are on crack.  

  2. I completely agree with you. I was disgusted to see George Bush commanding Russia to leave Georgia as well as being the most hypocritical thing I've ever heard he actually had the arrogance to stand there and believe that just because he had spoken the Russians would stop.  

  3. we have our own problems to deal with, why dont we stay out in AMERICA for once!!

  4. True, we are calling the kettle black.  I hope we stay out of that mess, we have enough problems.

  5. Ryan, where is that oil? Do you have evidence that took any oil at all? Of course not, because you're nothing more than an idiotic lying liberal that probably wets himself at night. if you don't know anything about the world, just shut the h**l up and stop embarrassing yourself.

    also, the same people bashing the US over Georgia are also complaining that we aren't doing enough in Darfur and didn't do enough in Rwanda. You can't have it both ways. You people seem to complain just to hear yourself talk. Think before you open your mouth.

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