
Why are we defending Georgia, when they casted the first stone a attacked Russia ?

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Why are we defending Georgia, when they casted the first stone a attacked Russia ?




  1. Odd I've yet to see ANY reports of the Georgian Army having crossed into Russian Territory but I have seen the reports of the Russians illegally crossing into Georgia, murdering citizens, stealing equipment, destroying infrastructure etc... So tell us just how Georgia attacked Russia.

  2. from watching the news, Russia provoked them into attacking so they could invade

  3. okay, this is purely an opinion. don't get me wrong. i think it's because of the resources Russia won't share with us and the rest of the world. they have a lot of natural resources like oil that are really promising in business-related stuff. so it's all about the economy. also, i think it's because russia can be a threat to us in terms of technology.  

  4. I imagine there are a number of reasons. Two that came to my mind were:  Because they have oil and a motive to wag the finger at Russia. I support Russia, the Georgians invaded South Ossestia, a pro Russia enclave within their borders, thousands of people in the region have Russian Citizenship and under the Constitution the Russian president must protect the people of Russia (holders of citizenship). When the news broke, the US and many European shared their initial thoughts of: Oh S**T!  

    Surely a military of a foreign sovereign state 'invading' a pro Russia separatists region, containing thousands of people that are RUSSIAN CITIZENS NOT GEORGIAN is a reason for a military response.

    If not for those who think that Russia's actions were wrong, what about Mrs Thatcher's Military action against Argentine forces over the Sovereignty of the Falkland Islands. Both territories are disputed between two nations. The majority of the islands residents wanted British rule, the separatist majority of S. Ossetia want either Independence from Georgia or to join N. Ossetia within the borders of the Russian Federation. Funny how scenes of Georgians in disgust and disappear fill the media, while scenes of pro Russian Southern Ossetians (the MAJORITY of the region) rejoice and praise the Kremlin for forcing out the Georgian military are hardly seen. Most suprising from a region of a vast majority of pro Russians.

  5. Clearly you don't play chess or watch world affairs. Russia is reemerging as the threat to that part of the world based on is new found oil wealth. We will hear more from them if they are not checked in Georgia. V. Putin is pulling the string of the new President and they sit on the Security Counsel at the UN so the UN will do nothing. NATO is also run by the EU and are easily pacified by a piece of paper, one more treaty that he Russians will ignore.

  6. Because we just can't stop sticking our nose into everything.

  7. When did Georgia attack Russia?

    They didn't!  They sent troops into parts of their OWN country.  Not Russia.

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