
Why are we helping columbia?

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gee STAN you dont even give me a chance to relpy before you give me my next answer!




  1. We're sending aid to Columbia because we're the source of most of their problems.

    If Americans didn't have such a huge appetite for cocaine, it wouldn't be a big enough business for the Cartels to take on the Government, killing cops, judges, officials, etc.

    If US drug laws didn't create artificially high prices, there wouldn't be Cocaine Cartels in the first place.

    The $6.2 Billion isn't aid, as we understand it, but a bribe to keep Columbia in the Drug War.

    And you're right. If we had spent that money at home funding treatment programs and putting more cops on the street, we'd have less of a drug problem and Columbia would be a lot better off.

  2. In the famous words of Clint Eastwood: " 'deserve' has got nothing to do with it!"  We don't bother to worry about whether Columbia DESERVES the money, or whether it's fair.  We just figure that If we didn't help Columbia, their drug lords would flood our country with cocaine (even a lot more than they do now).  We figure (rightly or wrongly) that the results of that would be worse than the cost of the aid we give to their government.  It's a decision of pure self-interest.

    If you respond by pointing out that we have spent billions upon billions of dollars fighting the "War on Drugs" to virtually no effect, and that part of that "war" has involved giving away huge amounts of money that wind up in the pockets of corrupt government officials, well, ... don't get me started.  It's just one more of many reasons that I'm a Libertarian.

  3. Personally I don't think we should be helping any country financially. We have our own citizens who need help.

  4. i think it is not fair because we have so many problems in our country that the public servant cannot find solution to our own problem.

  5. There are better things we can do with that money. We should take that money and build a wall on the Mexican border so they can't bring drugs across the southern border. It won't stop it all but it will stop a lot. As for McCain, he is a clown but he is better than the other clown running for president. Not sure I am going to vote for either clown since I have been voting for the lesser of two clowns and it hasn't been working and the fact that Maryland has always gone democratic since I have been voting.

  6. It is Colombia you ignorant hick, haha

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