
Why are we here in this universe?

by Guest63586  |  earlier

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i would love to know y people think we are here on this planet or in this world




  1. I think the universal consciousness is manifesting infinite possibilities. We exist as unique manifestations that are able to experience and create possibilities through our free will and cause and effect.

  2. "The Path of the Higher Self," Mark Prophet,

    "Testimony of Light," Helen Greaves,

    "The Great Divorce," C. S. Lewis,

    "Galaxy Gate," Colton and Murro,

    "When Invisible Children Sing," Dr. Chi Cheng Huang, and

    "Expecting Adam," Martha Beck, offer examples.

  3. We are the universe's way of contemplating itself.

  4. "wherever you go...there you are"


  5. It our karmic destiny until we can transcend to the next plane of existence.

    Actually, the that question is a contradiction.  'Here in the universe' actually is a dualistic mentation.  There is no 'here' or 'in' the universe.  That is a limitation of the mind which is often projected onto the external reality it percieves.  The universe is infinite and beyond the limits of positioning.  Because the mind cannot comprehend infinity it imposes it's dualistic nature to that which it cannot understand.  The duality of the mind separates subject and object in a realm where they exists simultaneously as one.

  6. Ah.. a question once crossed my mind.

    Contemplating about our own existence in this universe is something which we human would never be able to comprehend.

    Now, let me ask; how could you understand what I'm talking about? Because it is in English? Then what is English? Then you start explaining what is English in English. Does that answer the question? No? Then why do you know you do not know the answer? Because the mind are telling you so? In English I believe? Wow hey!

    World is funny. You'll find no end searching for answer to questions which no human is able to comprehend.

    I'm not trying to speak too religiously here, but I do believe that "Someone Up There" does exist and has been watching all of us in every single second.

  7. To worship God and enjoy relationship with him through Jesus his Son.

  8. starts with how... the why should become apparent...  

  9. Most technically because the universe means everything.

  10. further the progress of mankind's space exploration and population...

  11. I'm here because of my parents! :P

    Or simply because I am.

  12. i think that we are here to learn and experience different things so that we are better people in our next lives...i d k lol thats just a thought i rele dont know why we are here and i ask myself this question all the time.......

  13. So we can laugh at all the circus midgets.

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