
Why are we here in this world?

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well it looks much as a common question,but it just I want to know the other people's point of view,well before you answer it,please notice that we go through many stages in this life which end by death,so please tell me some thing else beside that we are here for having fun.




  1. We are here because of natural processes.  Everyone gets to decide their own purpose.

  2. To suffer.

  3. Why are we here?  Since God already knows who will and who won't chose Him, it's not for His sake that we are here.  We are here so that on judgement day, each of us will see our lives and know that God is just with us.  

    He knew each of us before the earth was formed.  He knew then who would chose him.  But He gave us this life just so we will know with certainty what choice we each made when given the chance to chose.

    Chose wisely.

  4. To survive as long as we can, have children and propagate the human race. This seems to be what we are "built" for. If that includes altruistic behavior and social contracts to accomplish, well then that's what we do to survive.

  5. well according to the bible revelation chapter 4 verse 11, says thou art worthy, O lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created. so i guess we are here for Gods pleasure. hope this helps. God bless.

  6. We are here to decide where we spend eternity.

  7. I am here to live the perfect life.

    The perfect life is based on perfect virtue.

    Perfect virtue is incorruptible.

    Mission proceeding.

    Best regards.

  8. Here is what Solomon said: Ecclesiastes 12:12,13  That is the whole purpose of man.

  9. We are here to glorify our Maker and try to reunite with Him in the afterlife. We are here to serve God by serving our fellow human beings, and love Him through loving our fellow human beings, including those who don't deserve it. We are here to resist all the temptations from Satan and his followers on Earth.  

  10. Because your mommy and daddy had s*x.


    People often can't answer this question because they don't even know what the question means.

    What does it mean to have purpose? Purpose as defined by webster online "2 a: a statement expressing the essential nature of something "

    Now that says ESSENTIAL. To me that means NEEDED. NECESSARY.

    So for something to have purpose, it must be in relation to something else. That means purpose is subjective; meaning purpose has no natural/rational explanation.

    Lets delve into this further, cause ive thoguth a long time and i want to talk about it haah.

    Lets place ourselves in two possible universes.

    The first is the rational/scientific big bang universe with no God attached. It's pretty obvious that in this universe, we have no purpose. If life itself were extinguished, who would care? Why does life need to exist anyway? It really doesn't NEED to. In fact, existence really doesn't need to. It just does; there isn't purpose behind it.

    The second is the God universe with the ultimate, allpowerful creator. Even in this universe, we're ultimately devoid of meaning. This is because we would derive our meaning from God, but what is God's meaning? Why does God NEED to exist?

    He doesn't. If God were non-existant, there would be nothing to care about it. The universe, with or without God, is pointless because existence doesn't NEED to exist. it just does.

    Thats how i see it anyway. So basically, I'm a nihilist, but the obvious corollary is that if nothing has a purpose or any natural value or significance, then nobody is gonna point a gun at me if i lie to myself and make believe that it is important.

    Thats what I do. I let my emotions handle the task of self-worth and purpose because, inevitably, the question itself is subjective and emotions are real good with subjective things.

    What is the purpose of bacteria in relation to ultimate existence?

    It's far less complicated than us, and yet i have trouble telling you the purpose of bacteria. I can only say the purpose of bacteria in relation to earth, but why should earth exist? Wats the purpose of earth? Whats the purpose of our galaxy? Of the universe? Of existence?

  12. To learn, experience and grow. Hopefully by the end of our journey we will have found and met our purpose / life-lesson. Enjoy!

  13. Why does there have to be a "reason"? There is NO reason - evolution, over hundreds of millions of years has got us to this point. We are now sentient, sapient beings who are capable of reasoned and rational thought...

    ...unless you are a religious looney; then evolution stopped somewhere after slime mould and just before birds...

  14. Simply to serve GOD

  15. as a test of your free will you may choose to follow who ever you wish but know this if u follow God correctly u never die any other u follow u die in the flesh and then your soul dies also even the memory of u dies

  16. I'm a mormon and its hard to explain but look at this and i'm sure youll get it!

    sorry if its corny but i believe this with all of my heart!

  17. we are here to live and to die and to live again ... the proper word is change ... which pretty much applies to everything else from the universe itself to most basic elements in the universe

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