
Why are we not allowed to have opinions in a land of freedom of speech on yahoo answers?

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no one can take the heat anytime we say anything that someone is bothered by they get us removed.




  1. Yahoo is a private company and can restrict access as they please.

    Freedom of speech as defined in the constitution has to do with governments restricting speech.

  2. most def. If you are not saying anything racially or culturally-derogatory why can't you speak your peace?! (However, no one ever said this was the last bastion of free speech, anyway.)

  3. I think if your slandering a race or saying something that is just plain disrespectful they should get reported.  However, your porb talking about people who might not like your views on some subject and will hit the report button, they are just jerks and cant handle someone else who thinks differently then they do.

  4. I think the people in Ohio jumped off the Barak bandwagon when they heard him whinning about everything and seen him storm off the stage when asked real questions, some of them regarding his flim flam job on the Amercan public concerning NAFTA and the Canadians.


    Most of the Republicans that voted in the Democratic Primary will vote for a democrat in the General as well.

    The stepford wives of the GOP have REALIZED that

    They should be the ones deciding about their bodies

    Sadamm didn't do 9-11 !!!

    After all the mouthing about smaller government the Republicans have grown the government !!!

    We are in debt 9 TRILLION DOLLARS !!!



  5. Because Yahoo is a private firm. The First Amendment doesn't apply with respect to the terms of service involved in  their "Yahoo Answers" feature. They don't even have to offer this service.

  6. You are perfectly free to start your own blog and rant to your hearts content.  short of libel and slander, no one will stop you.

    But if you want to use someone Else's platform, play by their rules.  And that is not a violation of your first amendment rights.  That only happens if the government silences you.  But if the market place of ideas does not buy what you're selling, then you might want to think about changing your product.

  7. Say something intellgent that isn't known as slander or obsene.

  8. People are stupid. They believe that freedom of speech only applies to them personally or people who say things they agree with. If there's someone out there saying something that they dislike, they will do everything they can to silence this person.

  9. like the way the US censor swearing on TV? haha

  10. You & I along with the rest of the so called free world are being led up the garden path. They tell us what they think we need to know and hope you watch enough TV to be brain washed into believeing thier lies and half truths...

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