
Why are we not aware of all the governmental corruption and if we were why cant we stand together against them

by  |  earlier

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north americans are so oblivious as to what our governments are really up to. We think they are concerned with petty little issues that keep us busy living our insignificant lives out so we dont wake up to schemes that are done right under our noses that make the rich richer and give the greedy, power hungry corporate world more power. If we really cared about issues like accounting all the taxes we pay and how the tax money is really spent instead of getting that pitbull permit we need or fillin up the gas tank at a redicilous price, then we would see what the government is really spending money on. Then we have to unite and stand on the white house lawn, stand on parliment hill and say "we've had enough! We are taking back our countries"




  1. You would be fooling yourself if you believe people don't know what is going on in the government.  We do however have a government that can be voted out or even impeached if it comes to it.  While our people in power may start out with "us" in mind and ways to make life better it really is a corruptible system.  Lobbyist, special interest groups or just the good ol' boy network that started it all sum years ago.

    You want change? VOTE, volunteer to a cause, do anything to express your desire to move this country forward.

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