
Why are we not doing more to support the development of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology?

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I understand the exhaust gas will be water. Surely this is good for pollution? We will not then have concerns over CO2 emmissions and thereby taxes can be reduced to benefit the working man.

This would mean that fossil fuels can then be reserved for and better utilised by those industries that cannot do without them, in the medium to long term. This should ease demand and there the price should fall or stabilise.

Am I being too logical?




  1. I think knownowt said it all with respect to the oil companies and government. Plus right now there seems to be some kind of drive in place by the government/other hidden 'power'  to push people to total insolvency, in a step towards the NWO. The government wants not what benefits us or the environment but what benefits them and their pockets and the pockets of the super rich outside of government but who are intimately linked with government.

  2. Hydrogen is not a source of energy, it is only a storage medium.  It is also the worst possible storage medium for the following reasons:

    1.  Low energy density.

    2.  Leakage.  Hydrogen molecules are so small that they are virtually impossible to contain; a full tank of hydrogen will bleed out in a couple of days.

    3.  Infrastructure.  The problems of storage make it difficult to transport.

  3. It's just not practical. H2 cannot be stored easily in cars. We don't have the infrastructure to supply it everywhere. And it's not an actual energy source. It has to be made using some other clean technology or its benefits go right out the window. Currently, H2 is made from natural gas. A fossil fuel.

  4. The easiest way to break the chemical bonds to extract hydrogen H2 is to use Ammonia.  The US cannot create enough Ammonia to fuel cars.  Natural gas or gasoline as a fuel to extract H2 doesn't make sense.  Water as a fuel cannot be used because it takes more energy to break the H2 molecule from water than can be used as a fuel.

  5. The technology of hydrogen fuel cell is the same as utilizing a source where little energy is only needed to create more energy required to power a car the same hold the truth to stanley meyer's dune boogie that runs on 100% water

    but this technology will not come because goverment around the world are suppressing this technology because of possible threat to when this technology is been approve all the oilcompanies in middleeast will be in crisis because of meltdown of oil stocks. Politicians in arabs are politically protecting their oil stocks. and by bribing the inventor with billion of dollars or even hired a hitman to kill the inventor. just like stan meyer he was first been threathened by 2 men with black suit armed with glock and a sub machine gun and they told stan to stop his reseach about water powered car. and there is also a new inventor Bill Williams who studied joe cell technology and he also have a succesfull experiment by utilizing orgone energy from atmosphere it can run vehicles without any use of petrol but he is also threathened and his research also been stopped. I will just give you the links and the story of the inventor where been killed and other inventors who has been threathened by this new technology.

    By giving you this site Bill Williams have given his blue print of the revised joe cell that is been called right now the proton cell orgone accumulator you can also browse the few people who have succesfully converted a car engine that totally using proton cell without any use of fuel at all I hope you join the joe cell website where people have shared their knloledge of building a succesfull orgone accumulator fitted to their car engine. Including me who have a succesfull accumulator. thanks to my friend billy I have one fitted to my car right now.

  6. No!  Your logic is perfect

    But I am afraid that the technology and the economics of Hydrogen fuel cells are not quite as clear.

    We are not ready to replace petrol with Hydrogen on a technology basis

    And we are not ready to pay for the cost of this type of fuel.

  7. Because the Oil companies have huge lobbying power and the Govt gets masses of taxes from oil companies....most of the share index is made up of oil companies, which is why the FT index is there is little incentive....also the hydrogen itself has to be made, and there is cost and pollution in that....but eventually it will have to come and indeed will, but we have not reached the critical tipping point yet.

  8. several problems... car makers don't want to build cars until there are fuel stations,,,and gas/hydrogen producers don't want to build stations without takes a lot of money to make hydrogen. store it...transport one want to put up billions when they can make money with good old oil...and...the government cant be the 1970s they made all kinds of programs for car makers and fuel producers to go to alternate soon as gas prices dropped...the car co's and oil co's were left holding the bag.

  9. If carbon based fuels are responsible for global warming then switching to a hydrogen economy (supposing that the many technical problems are overcome) will result in global cooling. Glaciers will advance.

    The exaust gas may be water vapour but it will freeze and add to the advancing glaciers. It'll become ice that won't thaw out for thousands of years. We'll be up to our highpockets in glacial ice in no time.

  10. Why not make the fuel out of all the old plastic we have around? chynar plc and plastic to fuel Hawaii check out these sites by entering them into a search engine. Its 10 year old stuff the Chinese and Japanese have been doing for years.

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