
Why are we pooring millions of dollars down the drain attemption to save the california condor?

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why are we attemption to save a species that we had only minor impact on while it was on its way out and that there isnt enough of a gene pool to exscape complications from founder effect why not take all the money they are pooring down the drain there and use it to attempt to rescue some of the other species that are on the endangered species list but not to far gone and of a by gone era




  1. Well, there's three good reasons:

    1) losing species can have unforseeable effects.  Losing one we can save is therefor stupid.

    2) unlike ignorant people who can see only as far as how much they can suck out of the government and don't want anyone else to hava share, some of us try to focus on things that are worthwhile, even if it doesn't make us a buck.

    3) Unlike the right-wing faux-Christians, real Christians take Biblical injunctions about caring for what God gave us seriously.

  2. Because no species on this planet is expendable.  Each species serves a particular purpose in the larger scheme of the environment.  You lose one and it causes a chain of repercussions throughout the environment.  Every creature has it's own natural predators.  If that predator goes extinct, then the population of its prey explodes and completely destroys the ecosystem, and that often has dire consequences around the world.

    The one thing that people don't seem to understand is that everything... every species on this planet... is inter-connected.  Earth's environment is a delicate thing and it must remain in balance.  Each individual ecosystem is even more delicate and the status of each ecosystem affects all the others, and eventually, the entire planet in one way or another.

    California Condors eat rabbits, coyotes; deer, mountain lions, bears and other mammals.  Now, imagine any or all of these animals having a huge population explosion in California and you should be able to see the chaos it would cause and the damage it would do to the local ecosystem.

    The important thing isn't the money, though humans have a tendency to focus on that.  Saving a species that's vital to the natural environment is more important than money.  It certainly isn't "pouring money down the drain" to try and save the California Condor.

    Finally... and I'm not trying to be mean but... you might want to try using the Spell Checker next time.

  3. Because of questions like yours, species have been

    disappearing over the at a time.  Each one

    is important.  Break one link in the cycle of life and you

    affect another....and on and on.

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