
Why are we pressured to have kids?

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not saying i definately dont want kids, but im saying i just might want a life without them.

i'll have other kids around me, but i hate the look mothers give you when you say "i dont want kids" like this smug , pitying look.

oh WOW you got knocked up- you're a TOTAL woman now and your BABY just makes your life worth living.

personally, i think that if only your kids make your life worth living, you need to get out some more.

so why are women pressurised to have kids, even moreso in overpopulated countries like india?




  1. I agree! And none of my sisters want to have kids.. they are doing so much with their lifes and don't want any of that. And I say, good for them!

  2. Well I always wanted kids, but I in no way look down on someone who doesn't want them. You have every right, and if you don't want them, it is better that you don't have them, becasuse it wouldn't be fair for the child to grow up unwanted. In my life, my children are a challenge for sure, but there is a love that comes with it that you can't experience any other way. When you are a mother you understand, but if you think the bad will outweigh the good for you, don't hvae them.


    Yes I feel the pressure too .. I just graduated college and I come from a "big fat greek wedding" type of family (lebanese) and I'm already getting aunties asking me when my wedding will be and when they will bounce my babies on their laps....

    Even more upsetting at work, I am always singled out (being the only girl my age surrounded by guys).  Right now, all the guys I work with say they don't want kids, and I do too ... but the second I dare say it, everyone says "o u will change your mind .. u will someday ... your instinct will kick in... etc etc"

    Why is it that i'm expected to change my instinct and the guys are not? even though personally I feel it would be easier for them to change their instinct since in this day and age, childrearing is still seen as a woman's job and men get to more or less continue about their lives (and more importantly careers) with little to no interruptions.  

    MAYBE I do want to have a child one day ... but until then, all these comments are doing is just make me more adversed to the idea.

    I still have grad school, my career and the world to see.  I think families are a beautiful thing and if I were to do it, I want to do it right and hopefully raise one that is aware of their surrounding and will help with the solution instead of contributing to the problem ... but until then, im going to enjoy my life as it is and appreciate that this is temporary before getting 'locked down' so to speak.  

  4. I know what you mean. A lot of my friends are having kids, and give the same strange look when I say that I never want any.  I want to do so much in life, and haveing kids around would only hinder me.

  5. oh WOW you got knocked up- you're a TOTAL woman now and your BABY just makes your life worth living.

    that sentence used right there is stupidity.

    if anything pressure somes for the man to carry out his name..

    having a baby is for those who want and can have a baby.

    and then its on you to be there for that child and make sure all needs are met.

    ya given when you get old and shriveled their will be someone to kiss you and say i love you and mean it-truthfully

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