There is a huge push for the protection of endangered species, and this is something I truly do not understand.
Nature has always had it's own way of deciding when a species time was up, as ours will be one day as well, and that way is called extinction. Although there are some truly magnificent and beautiful creatures on this planet in danger of becoming extinct, why are we trying to stop it from happening? Who are we to decide if a species is going to hang on by a thread or come back because we want it to?
Even though it was a more science fiction approach, when Michael Crichton wrote "Jurassic Park" he had the right idea. We as humans are not meant to change what nature intends to do, and it is extremely selfish of us to believe we have the "right" to do so. We have not been on this planet that long in terms of it's and other species existence. And I personally believe that although it would mean the end to some species that we let nature to do what it intends to do.