
Why are we ripping up huge acres of forrest for oil?

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Don't we need air more than oil?




  1. Many mining companies actually store the forest topsoil for land rehabilitation after mining. In the majority of cases the trees are replanted after mining.......Usually fast growing trees like pines. Therefore mining is likely to have a lesser effect on oxygen levels then residential clearing for example...on the other hand the ecological beauty/ diversity of the forest will be lost!

  2. Don't worry, long after humans have wiped themselves from the map, nature will put things right...again.

  3. How many acres is huge? 2acres or 10 acres.. tree`s go for toilet paper and oil goes for kids bicycle tire`s

  4. so we can cook our delicious curry we enjoy everyday

  5. Take a, drill thru wood.....

    Blow the sawdust away.....

    See that hole ?

    There's your True environmental IMPACT.

    Not this Schlock about Whole forests being destroyed....

    That Schlock ......that's the South Americans Trying to make room for themselves in a JUNGLE that grows back as fast as you cut it down....

    Besides.....WHO gave us DOMINION over the Planet, AND told us to be GOOD stewards of it??

    And we have been, except for the "Gee we didn't know" Phase back in the 1870s to 1920s......

    It's TRUE....we weren't good stewards in the beginning...

    But we learned from our mistakes....

    And now..when we drill for oil we first come in with ground penetrating radar, find the sweet spots and just drive our equipment into those spots. Rough up the weeds a little (they grow back)...LAY some PIPE, then start Pumping....

    So....WHERE did you see all this "ripping up huge acres of forest stuff" ??  Are you sure it was't a housing development or a Walmart??  Or a TREE FARM? Or your TEACHER?

    Teachers lie, did you know that?  All those movies about drugs and s*x and enviromental impact....those are given to them from their union bosses (not the principle of the school, the UNION bosses)  to make you a Democrat....And you SOUND like they succeeded....

    Oh well, that's one less person that stops, studys and THINKS... much more popular are you since you became a Democrat?  More Dates? More Money? More HAPPY??

    Good....  I wouldn't want to become a Democrat without getting SOMETHING from it...

    I think I'd pick more dates.....

  6. We aren't.  Its not necessary to level an entire forest to sink a few wells.  What you are seeing is tropical rain forests being burned off to create crop land for ethanol grains, mostly corn.

  7. Money is powerful in the minds of human beings.

  8. Oil is a very impt neccesity is our current daily lives. Without oil to burn(combust), there would be no electricity, no energy to power cars, air-cons, etc.

    We do need air. those oil miners think that the earth has a lot of oxygen, so losing 1 piece of land of forests will mean nth much

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