
Why are we so afraid of a Cash crop in the U.S.? Hemp has more uses than faults?

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We r being hearded around like cattle by Lumber Companies and Plastic Corp.

There are lots of great things that can be done lets get out of our own way.




  1. Yeah....  your spelling and grammar are the strongest arguments I have seen against the free and unrestricted use of hemp.

  2. I have to agree with you hemp is a very profitalbe cash crop, while it will remain illegal due to a couple of the same reasons marijuana will remain illegal. Its possible to farm hemp from marijuana so the association will stand, until we get leadership with logical minds.

  3. it causes brain and neck cancer

  4. Well, you're not going to find your answers at NAIHC. They're only interested in "Big Money" ie: If you have "Big Money" to invest, They'll talk to you. If not, then they aren't interested in helping you.

    Lumber has nothing to do with Hemp being a cash crop, and neither does plastic.

    Here's the real reason hemp isn't federally legalized.

    DEA Eradication Efforts Target Hemp Instead of Cultivated Marijuana

    The Vermont State Auditor's Report on the Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program (DCE/SP), published in 1998, found that the national average for ditchweed seized under the DCE/SP in all 50 states was 99% as of 1996. The study notes that over $9 million was spent on this program in 1996 and that out of 422,716,526 cannabis plants eradicated, 419,660,022 were low-THC ditchweed, also known as industrial (feral) hemp. The report recommends that policymakers who are concerned that the federal cannabis eradication program focuses so heavily on wild industrial hemp consider lobbying the DEA to change the DCE/SP grant to target cultivated cannabis more exclusively.

    This report indicates that millions of our tax dollars are wasted on eradicating harmless low-THC industrial hemp plants instead of focusing on the eradication of cultivated marijuana. More recent 2001 statistics show that more than $13 million in taxpayer funds were spent on this boondoggle program.

    If DEA were to only be allowed to eradicate "Marijuana" then this 9 to 13 million dollar budget would dwindle to about $65,000.

    But as long as they maintain that Hemp "is" Marijuana, then they can pocket all those millions of dollars.

    To read the full report, click the link below.

    To truly find your answers, you need to look towards.....

    Vote Hemp


    The Hemp Industries Association

  5. They cannot tax it. If Dr Ron Paul is elected, we get rid of the IRS.

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