
Why are we so proud to be feminists? is it knowing we're equal to any man? Is it because we're free..?

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Of the Worst of the Oppression (like being beaten by our husbands with no legal recourse, no one to help us).?

Are we proud to be feminists because WE took on 'the establishment', and forced them to make changes?

What other accomplishments are due to our collective hard work "making it happen"? Spearheading for change?




  1. I don't know but YOU WOMEN now you have to get up and go to work every day to earn your living, rather than chillin at home.... AND have  kids.


    Reap what you sow.

    You should see some of the discussions I'm involved in at this very moment. The women in them are coming out with the most ridiculous, over-emotional non fact-based melodramatic utter codswallop I've ever had the misfortune to waste my time reading.

    Women can and will and SHOULD never be in charge. The whole world will fail, moreso than it already is.

    You can't even go shopping for shoes without getting catty with the shop assistants. Loopy humans, that's what you are, farking loopy.

  2. The worthless wimp who wrote the question you cited blocked me as do all the wimps here who cannot stand up to a logical argument against their illogical presumptive questions.

    I didn't even think I was a feminist until I got on these boards and realized the depth of misogyny that still runs through many men.

    I am proud to be a woman who stands up for herself and fights for what she believes in - one who works for the good of all and not my own petty self-interests.

    I do not operate from a base of fear.  I operate from love and a belief that everyone should be treated fairly and equally and no one should be frightened away from having the full life that they desire and deserve.

  3. Being a woman is celebration enough.  Only women can know how free they are.

  4. I don't think that it at all.  finding youirself as an individual is NOT a crusade against men, ladies.  I see it as a struggle with your own view of your worth.  As I see it you ladies react more to other ladies opinions than the views of men.  You don't dress for men primarily......You dress to compete with other women.  You compete with other ladies by the man U married not by your own accomplishments.  Truth were told there be many abused husbands......some physically but most mentally.  Few relationships are equal and more than those public are controlled by the female.  Just let one nagged henpecked man retaliate against years of mental abuse and control..........OMG suddenly he the devil incarnate and beat his wife!  What the h**l do you want ladies?  U got control of half the money and all the nookie!  What do U ladies have against partnership?  In my 61 yrs I've met a couple of true feminist ladies........Guess what they weren't feminist........they were humanist.

  5. Personally, I'm proud to call myself a feminist because it means that I'm not afraid of the stigma.

  6. Same reason Hitler was proud to be a n**i. Oppressing others feels so d**n good and makes you feel like a big man.

  7. I'm against naturalistic fallacies but this is a moralistic one right here.

    Because men and women should and do have equal rights doesn't make them naturally equal.. there is no logical transition there.

    @ catholic "Women are now equal to men". What does that even mean? Are they now naturally equal to men? If so why weren't they before? Did they suddenly naturally become equal then..

    Or do they now have equal rights to men, in which case as I explained above you'd be making a moralistic fallacy to assume that that means they're naturally equal

  8. Louise, who said the lives of past women are meaningless? Really? Who said that?

    Most feminists agree and acknowledge that we are where we are because of our female forebearers. Someone started the way, someone lead the way.

    From early in the 1900s to centuries ago to thousands of years ago, women have been bucking against the patriarchy to do something for themselves and pobably for the women they knew were coming after them.

    Now that in the modern day world the patriarchy is beginning to crumble, we've reached a kind of peak of feminine accomplishment in equality. Now EVERY woman (in sane cultures) can do what she likes with her life rather than depend on the kindness or tolerance of men.

    That's why colleges have more female students than male students. It's why womens numbers are coming up in the maths and sciences and have already taken over law, while they move into medicine, aeronautics, research and government.

    I'm in the Army. That wasn't always available. I'm going into medicine to become a medical doctor in the neurosciences in order to conduct research. The wasn't always available. I've learned multiple languages I can teach my children, when women were once not even encouraged or sometimes permitted to become literate. I know how to change my own oil and tires, fix my battery and replace a fan belt. I know how to reset a breaker. I know how to install a security system and deadbolts. I can also put someone in the hospital with my physical training, and I am mean with a rifle and a handgun.

    Women need to, have to, know how to take care of themselves and their children. Men are all too frequently off somewhere beating a drum and whining that women are emasculating them. The Men's Movement has all the force of two marshmallows colliding midair. What is it they want? Pay equal to womens? Paid maternity leave? The right to beat their wives on the courthouse steps on Sunday with a stick no bigger than their thumb again? What? WHAT?

    Women are now equal to men and I spit on anyone who bemoans the loss of the days when women "could stay home with the kids and wait for their husband's paycheck." If you want that, YOU CAN STILL HAVE IT. But how dare you wish to resign all women back to that!

  9. I think when you work hard to achieve something, you have a right to be proud of what you have accomplished. Of course, there is always more to be done (does that remind you of the housework, lol), but it won't get done unless someone does it.

    I'm glad to play my small part, and to offer my support to those doing great things.

    Thanks Mo, and a back pat for you, too :-)

    Cheers :-)

  10. It's because we're doing something meaningful with our lives.

    EDIT: Plastic Fantastic - you are a basic idiot.

    <Read it now before it gets deleted - It was worth it :-)

  11. I'm a guy, but I appreciate the freedom feminism has brought women. Freedom to choose what they want to do with their lives, and freedom to control their own bodies (in the West, anyway - but I know feminists in more oppressive cultures are working on that too).

    So yes, I'd say freedom.

  12. What I find particularly sad about modern feminism, is the fact that modern feminists seem to be absolutely convinced that the lives of women in the past were meaningless.

    A reply to your  question said that women were proud because they were 'doing something meaningful' with their lives.

    Does she, and other feminists, really believe that the lives of women in the past were meaningless?  Are all the achievements of women of past times without value simply because women didn't have 'equal rights'in those days? (never mind that most men didn't have 'equal rights' either).

    What exactly do women do nowadays that is more meaningfull than what they did in the past?  Most women in past times raised their families, ran their households (a very complex and demanding job in the pre-industrial era) and often worked at other jobs as well.  Most women of the past had a multitude of skills that no modern woman possesses, yet apparently their lives were not 'meaningful'.  Why?

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