
Why are we so quick to get Vaccinations to 3rd world countries and not food ?

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Please explain this to me...?

WIth vaccinations immuity is not gauranteed.

Even if you become immunue it a possiblilty immunity will last.

Vaccination contain flouride mercury and all the other bad chemicals.

Theres is NO safe level of mercury or flouride and flourides in rat poison. So I'm not surprised alot of parents are getting exemtions but,they talk about HERD IMMUNIZATION. When a certain group of people who don't get vaccination put the ones who are in danger...?

I was like if theres vaccinated then why do then need to worry about hte ones who choose not to get vaccinated shouldn't they be immunue ? Even if everybody was vaccinated theres still a good risk of infection. RESEARCH THIS STUFF YOURSELF before anwsering. I just think the risks out weight the benefit. Also even if everybody is vaccinated your basically using your children as test subjects. Considering the fact even though the FDA approved it it probaly only been tested on animals and they started on humans as in your child.

I mean is our immunue system that unreliable ?

Wouldn't just getting good proper nutrition and vitamins and minerals be enough also with clean water ?

I'm not saying we don't provide food aid I'm just saying look at the condition of the world and how many kids go starving and how fat we are are we really giving any REAL help at all ?

They have television ads on TV stating buy diapers and you supply a innocent child with a vaccination I was like WTF HOW BOUT SOME FOOD WITH SOME VITAMINS AND MINERALS!!!!???




  1. answer to your first question.  lots of vaccine can be stored in a very small space, and doesn't have to be temperature controlled for travel. You can not say the same thing about food.


  2. I totally agree.  I donate a lot of money to charity, and I always make sure the money goes toward things like nutrition and clean water rather than vaccines.

    Measles is so devastating in Africa because their nutrition is so bad. Their diet is very low in Vitamin A, and that is why they can go blind with measles.  So, why not send Vitamin A drops to them?  Why not help them obtain the proper nutrition?

    Could it be because there's not BIG MONEY involved in vitamin A drops and food?  Probably.

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