
Why are we still driving fossil fuel cars?

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Why are we still driving fossil fuel cars?




  1. because petrol engines sound HOTT aston martin db9 going through a tunnel in france somewhere at 100mph that sound would be A-MEH-ZING       XX

  2. they are fast

  3. By 2012 "Futuregen", a near-zero emission coal-fired power plant will be operational in Mattoon, Illinois.  They will product hydrogen fuel cell for cars among other things. This could be the way to end oil dependency.

  4. Because we are not willing to give our cars up for anything. Fossil fuel cars are the easy option, so we continue to drive them. People care much more about their own convenience that about the planet. Also, I don't think biofuels are a good idea, growing crops to feed our cars when half the world are starving?!

  5. Because the corporate giants and government has so decided.

  6. The answer is simple, money.

    Think about it. . . Cars run on gasoline which comes from oil. Oil is the biggest consumer product in the world. If we, all of a sudden start driving cars that run on hydrogen or electricity or solar power then the oil industry would collapse overnight. Huge companies that make billions of dollars a year would go bankrupt and probably the entire world economy would collapse.

    Those who have power only want one thing: more power. If the oil industry went out of business think about how many major players in that industry would be affected. They would become broke overnight. They would lose everything they had. Now come on; you don't really think all those rich oil barons and Arab sheiks are going to just let all that money go, do you? The only way they can keep getting their fat salaries and corporate jets and fifty million dollar homes is to keep the auto industry building cars that run on gasoline. Where do you think the patents for the 100 mpg engines and cars that run on alternative fuels went. They were bought up, suppressed and destroyed by the polititians and the oil companies so they could maintain their stranglehold on the world economy.

    A parting question of my own: How important do you think Iraq would be to the U.S. if all American cars ran on corn liquor instead of gas?

  7. the oil company want to rip your wallet. by the time all the natural resource depleted, they make trillions.

    they never bother with alternative source. if we do switch to alternative, they'll suffer a big loss. car, for example, use most of fossil fuel.  the industry too. if you can move car with electric, whos wants to buy gas?

  8. G'day, The idea that bothers me the most is, that we are still using fossil fuels, because they are the cheapest by far. What practical alternatives? I hear hydrogen fuel cell technology has encountered three major setbacks, safety, cost, durability.  The worry is, could petrol still be relatively cheap at three times the current price!  I am unaware of any alternatives,except nuclear!

  9. because there is no other substance in the world that holds as much energy as fossil fuels, why is that so hard for people to understand?  People just WANT something to be invented for our use, but it isnt that easy.  Oil is easy because it contains a lot of energy, and you can carry it with you, and refuel quickly all over the place.  If you have to plug in your car, you cant drive more than 160 miles before your car dies, and its not like you can recharge it in the same 4 minutes it takes to put more gas in your car.

    So.... the answer is because it is allows us to be much more productive, it is a lot more practical.  So far, we havent figured anything else out that is just as efficient.  Hydrogen? Nope, do you have any idea what kind of power those things put out?  Not that much, it would be very hard to transport large quanities of material using hydrogen because it doesnt put out as much energy as fossil fuels.  Do you really think hydrogen would be able to move trains, large tractor trailers or airplanes?  I definately dont think they would, seeing as how trains and semi's use turbochargers to increase their power, a concept that probably isnt applicable to hydrogen.

    So what else could be used?  Not our food supply, surely.  Ethanol and Bio fuels just raise our food cost.

  10. because the world cant be bothered to do anything about it i cycle

  11. shapeshi has it.....its cost efficient....NOTHING gets u the miles per DOLLAR...nothing. is as for other modes has to come from somewhere....coal..nukular......water is out,,,sun,,,just not efficient..yet

  12. Because if someone invented an alternative fuel, the super rich oil barons of this world would make sure(one way or another) we did'nt get it. Just think how many countries would collapse without being  able to sell oil.There would be no excuses for wars.There must be a million other reasons,but the sooner an alternative is found the better.

  13. It was cheap.................................ti... now.

    Bear in mind that today's autos will still be burning it for ten or more years to come.

    How much will it cost by then?  Hmmmmmmm?

  14. The technology relevant to Hydrogen fuel cells or other alternative fuels is still in the beginning stage. A lot of research into the basic science of alternative fuels is required and after that technology for industrialisation and commercialization needs to be done. Atleast 10 more years will take from now on till we see commercially afforadble alternative fuel automobiles (especially cars) in the streets...

  15. Because oil merchant all the time thinking abt making money in spite of thinking abt bad effect of burning fossil fuel i.e. global warming.

  16. Simple. There are no alternatives available yet that are cost effective and provide the average consumer with what they need.

    All the talk about the oil companies and car companies keeping good alternatives off the market is just silly. If some one can come up with a vehicle that will pollute less and save the consumer money while providing the specifications the consumer wants, they will sell millions and millions of them.

    There are just none out there yet. I am looking. I want one. I am even willing to pay some extra for it. There are millions like me. It is cost and technology (Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, etc.) that is keeping the alternatives off the market, not corporations. For every oil company, there are a thousand, if not 10,000 wealthy investors that would gladly build and sell them if we had them. Don't believe the liberal yap!

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