
Why are we still dumping sewerage into the lakes and oceans?

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In our modern society we are aware of the damage to the invirement made by factories and automobiles etc.. why is no one focusing on dumping into the waterways.?




  1. The waste water is treated and suitible for human consumption before being "dumped" into the OCean.  You should check your facts before spouting off.  Emotion loses it's effect when powered by ignorance.

  2. Hopefully it is treated sewage and not harmful.  As in everything else there are unscrupulous people, and there are areas of the country that need cleaning.  

    Since the Government is involved the process is inefficient with many things being done that do not need to be and the worst get no attention at all.  

    Rather than rant and rail about the general condition, I wish people would take on a specific item in a specific place.  That would produce results.

  3. U need to study how it is presently done. The sewage is sterilized and the non liquid removed . The liquid is full of chlorine so u can not put that in a river as it would kill all the fish . So it is aerated several times which gets rid of the chlorine and the oxygen also helps kill any thing that the chlorine missed . It sets in the sun and that also helps ,all oil is floated off the top and then it is ready to go back in the river.

  4. Because some People think that fresh water and fish are endless numbers.

  5. You are exactly right!  What are we supposed to drink?  The fish are already so poisonous from mercury that we can't eat them.  What are places like China going to do when their last river is polluted?  You are making a great point and this needs to be dealt with right away.

  6. This is one example of poor engineering that causes polution. Its done but NIMBYs are exempt.

  7. Well said payday.

    I work for a water company. The "final effluent" is what gets put back into the rivers from a sweage works and it is actually drinkable.

    However, all sewage systems are designed to cope with finite quantity of waste water. In extreme conditions (high sustained rainfall, major equipment failure etc) then the overflow system is designed *in emergencies* to discharge into the river/sea/wherever the final effluent is discharged.

    I assure you that is preferable to it backing-up out of your toilet, or the sewage works drowning in 6 feet of sh*t.

    As payday said, get your facts right.

  8. they don't know were else to put it

  9. The environmental laws of the 1960s are not being enforced.

  10. Because we are dirty cheapskates who dont care about the envirenment. Next time you take a swim in the ocean think of this: You are swimming in your own waste.

  11. they are, here at gary, indiana there are the steel mills and when they get caught slipping some out before treating it they are give a large fine and the employees have to go to classes and get taught again

  12. We are a bunch of hypocrites.  This topic angers me so much and I blame the politicians who won't make the people pay to change it for fear of losing votes.  And I blame the people for not acknowledging the reality of this sick practice and demanding action.

    Thank you for asking the question and bringing attention to this disgusting practice.

    Victoria, BC Canada has a walking t**d mascot to try and bring attention to this problem.

    Payday is wrong, Victoria, BC absolutely does this as do cruise ships.

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