
Why are we still in Iraq?

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Shouldn't we be focusing on our own country's problems and the war in afghanistan against terrorism and the people who actually attacked us. We're busy trying to be hero's for other country's and reviving everyone else while our country is literally falling apart!




  1. i hear their schools are the best!!!

  2. Same reason we went there in the first place, to kill terrorists.

  3. we are cleaning up in iraq as you speak.

  4. Goodguy has nailed it on the head- read his answer carefully.

  5. Cuz that's the plan. We R not leaving. Learn about PNAC. 911 was a false flag. Thats obvious to all but the sheeple. War on terror is a hoax. Wakey Wakey.

  6. cause we feel like it, and do what we want

  7. we're still in iraq because the big US oil interests have not secured the proper assurances of control of the iraqi oil fields--thats why we went into iraq in the first place--the democracy line was just a cover.

  8. They have great ice cream and its very sunny there.

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