
Why are we still in this war?

by Guest61345  |  earlier

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we are no longer...wait never any immediate danger because their were never any weapons of mass destruction AND if we left our troops would no longer be dying for a useless cause...FYI Washington we will never rule the world no matter how hard you try




  1. Well speaking for one of those troops (my son) who spent three years there,6 combat obviously don't watch the news and especially your favorite station CNN, as WMD's were found there, both biological and chemical ones, and some still intact on warheads. Try to keep up will ya! The cause which is Freedom is never ever useless and dying for that cause dipstick is not useless either! Now, go back to your little corner, finish your kool-aide and quit bothering the rest of us!

  2. if you read the news (which i doubt) you would know more and more troops are leaving and the Iraqi's are taking over. i'm afraid your boy wouldn't have time to surrender.

  3. If there werent any weapons of MASS DESTRUCTION how was sadaam hussein able to kill over a hundred thousand kurds. That was a fairly large amount of destruction. If we leave before the iraq army is able to defend itself it will be much worse. Besides when we went in Hillary, Joe Biden, John Kerry and others thought it was the right thing to do. President Bush didnt have the luxury of changing his mind when new evidence that contradicted the old evidence came in. It was a little harder for him to flip flop like the others

  4. Because it is very easy to get into trouble, it takes a lot of work to get out of trouble.  Any IDIOT can start a war, it takes intelligence to avoid one. We can all thank the PNAC, along with the RNC for our involvement in the middle east.  Now let's do what ever it takes to end this mess.  We do not need another Vietnam, unless of course you would like to see the return of the draft and another loss of 58,000+ American lives.   I sure do not, I served back then, and I am too old to serve again.

  5. IDK why either

  6. Because it's profitable for the big corporations that own the government and political figures (both conservative AND liberal).

    Also, it allows the U.S. to control the oil spigot that U.S. corporations' competitors in Europe and Asia need.  Remember - pre-Gulf War One the U.S. used VERY little oil from there, and still doesn't.

    It's all about keeping U.S. corporations' supremacy over their European and Asian competitors.

    And if Haliburton and Boeing make a few billion besides, as far as Washington is concerned, it's all good.

    The WMDs weren't a big deal - the U.S. knew darn well that Saddam had already used up all of the poison gas that Reagan gave him, on the Iranians and the Kurds.

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