
Why are we still using Daylight Savings Time?

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"Designed (and recently extended) as a measure to save energy in a period of inflated electricity prices, an in-depth University of California study has now shown that DST doesn't save anyone any money at all. In fact, it's costing consumers extra, to the tune of $3.19 in extra utility bills per year."

"Why? Shouldn't they be, well, saving daylight -- and burning fewer light bulbs?

They are, said the study. But while lighting bills were reduced, air-conditioning units had to run more often, because people were home on hot afternoons when they'd otherwise be still at the office. Heaters had to be run on cool mornings, too, when people got up and it was still dark outside."

"in 1976...the National Bureau of Standards found that there was no significant energy savings after the switch."

So we've known for 32 years that DST does no good, now we know that it actually results in wasted energy...why are we still using it?




  1. people drive more in the sunshine after 5 pm useing more fuel

  2. the only rison is cause god made it that way.


  4. i'm not using those kinds. that is why being technically inclined nowadays is important because technology could be tricky. i have seen numerous articles that it is not only the bad effect of it. it has also bad effects on health. also, it is impractical because you always need to change the time of these clocks as it forwards faster always.

    that is all i know about it and i suggest also to stop the use of these device because it does not save energy and is impractical to use.

    Have a nice day!

  5. I like having daylight when I get home later in the summer...

  6. It is said that dailight does wrong to the coral recifs so any savings can be useful to them;)

  7. Well if you have cool mornings and warm afternoons like here in NM.. I have my heat set on 68.. so over the night if it gets pretty cold as it usual does during fall and winter and beginning of spring, the heater will kick on, but during the warm afternoon of mid 60's to upper 70's and rarely 80, well I OPEN MY WINDOWS!!!! so i don't run heater in the morn and AC in the afternoon.  I don't think there's a problem with DST I think there's a problem with people wasting energy.  During the summer in the desert of NM it gets chillie at night but do I turn my heater on.. h**l no.. I keep the AC on for the following day when it gets warm.. it's all about how you use your energy.  My bills prove it...  and I keep the AC at 75.... people are just wasteful and obviously have the money to be wasteful, b/c the bills have got to be racking up!!!

  8. Because there a financial benefits for other the parts of the economy, which outweight the additional energy costs.  The recreation industry is one.

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