
Why are we trying so hard to find teh meaning of life?

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When we could just enjoy it and be gratefull for all its beauty




  1. because it is in our nature

  2. To be grateful has to have an object.  To whom are we to express our gratitude?  Whom do we thank?

    It is like asking us to just look at and enjoy the most amazing creations and not be curious about Who created it all.  Why wouldn't we at the very least seek the Creator?

  3. yea!

    i agree

    i just enjoy my life

    and wats the question mean?

    "wats the meaning of life"


    is there even a meaning to life?


    we live eat sleep play and die at the end


  4. Mankind's search for meaning is a vain attempt to replace the emptiness they feel because, at the heart of it all, life lacks meaning and they think it should. It doesn't, but that's OK. It allows us to make up whatever meaning we want.

  5. because we don't have enough faith unfortunately

  6. Yes , esecially when everyone knows the meaning of life is 42


    Yes I agree................... enjoy life always

  7. finding the meaning of life is considered beauty. we are discovering things about ourselves that is incredible.

  8. Sometimes when you get overwelmed by insurmountable odds, bad luck, fate, you have to wonder what in the h**l is the point of it all. Babies dying at birth, children dying of cancer, war , hate, greed, natural disasters wiping out thousands of people in one whack, the day to day struggle to keep the rent paid and food on the table, knowing that on any given visit to a doctor he or she may tell you are dying of some disease they don't even have a name for, 4 dollars for gas, groceries going up all the time, teenagers getting pregnant, doing drugs, shooting each other at school. Sometimes I just want to look up at the sky and scream " Hey God where the h**l are ya man? I think the search for the meaning of life is the search for why we continue to go on day to day. There is a reason for all the misery and suffering, though I doubt we would recognize it or understand it. Maybe we just need reassurance that its not all in vain.

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