
Why are we(Australia) dubbed `the lucky country'?

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We have homeless and poor ppl too so why? lucky to have our beutifull country? h**l yeah ! but is that all it means? has the world got so bad,that anywhere thats NOT a war zone is lucky?!




  1. I think it may be a reference to the book "The Lucky Country" by Donald Horne, written in the 1960s and updated a couple of times. However, Donald Horne did not believe that at all. Perhaps we were at some point in the early 1900s when we led the world in social reforms.

  2. I think that Australia is very overrated. I grew up there and moved to the USA for university and OPPORTUNITY.

    Plain facts about Australia-

    - High Taxes ( among the highest in the world, check wiki)

    - Fuel Prices ( up to $1.80 per Liter now, thats $6.84 per gallon!!!)

    - Everything's Expensive (from cars to food; small bottle of soda, $3 in Aust, $1 in USA) ( $40k gets you a HUMMER in the USA, in Australia your lucky to get a family Van for that)

    - Pathetic Education Standards, Australia has not even resolved a nation-wide education system, instead there are 3 different seperate systems, (HSC, OP, TER), by state. check it out on wiki, more details there.

    - Oh yeah, the Rent and Real Estate, do you have any idea how much it costs for a crumby apartment in any of Australia's major cities? At least $750 a week in Sydney Australia, comapred to a $650 per month in Miami florida...

    'The Lucky Country' whatever... get out of there and explore the world before you settle with anything. Do your homework, and weigh Australia with with other countries around the world and see for yourself...

    I am sticking to the United States.

  3. well i think we got your point you do not like australia you like ye ha USA where fuel is going up everyday uuuuuummmm & the country is going into a recession factorys are closing down fact i live here as well but it is time to call australia home again after 9 yrs so enjoy your time here in USA

  4. I guess cause we aren't bombing each other.

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