
Why are wealthy people often perceived as evil?

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Why do poor and middle class people always think the rich guy is the bad guy? Rich people worked hard to get to where they are (most of them, besides people who inherited it or obtained it illegally). A lot of them give to charity and do good with their money yet poor people think rich people need to be taxed to death. These people who don't have jobs and aren't looking for jobs on welfare point the finger at wealthy people as the source of all their problems when they are the ones who didn't study and do well in school to get a respectable jobs. There is nothing at all wrong with welfare for people who really need it. But if you are just using it as a crutch, you are stealing from the American people. These are the real bad guys!




  1. because they're jealous

  2. well, i guess your right. but not completely, most of the rich people ARE bad, they get their money from killing and doing other illegal things. but the thing is good or bad, rich people have to pay less for insurance, unlike the poor people who have to pay more.

    if you haven't noticed, there seem to be less and less rich people around.

  3. what were "real bad guys" in the sixties, taking over the universities and the counter culture.   these guys went to school, but they revolted,   about rich people being bad guys, yes, sometimes,   they steal and cheat, those who "worked hard"   well. look Al Capone worked hard for his money. and so did Judas Iscariot.     (i do not  believe that axiom about "working hard"    

    the poor as the scriptures say are "dragged into court and sent to prisons" Of course there is something to say for rich people as not all of them are crimminals, however, with their educations and skills, they do what is unscrupulous in the eyes of the poor who cannot come close to achieving such wealth, there are many intelligent smart people, who are poor. , they do not have advantages, and would not stoop to some forms of income,such as selling alcohol or and drugs or tobacco, these things are all easy to do, and to earn large amounts of  money, but some people will not resort to such ideas, such as "show business" yes, to some people the entertainment industry is crimminal, and useless.    "though a man gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ,it is of no profit""   you have read that in the bible,   and it is true,    all the money in the world could not do some things for you or replace someone you love or need.  think about it??

    yes, the "love of money is the root of all evil" and some "rich" people have only love for money, and materialistic wealth, so it is easy to see how some poor people and other people would find them to be evil, short of turning into werewolves or vampires, But one cannot condemn all rich people, as one cannot condemn the poor  who are children of God,    you know there are Princes that go begging, and beggars go on horseback"  another scripture,    conveying the thought that one can study and study hard and long and still success is not neccessarily forthcoming or anyone, s right.             there is more to life than meets the eye,    

  4. Not all wealthy people are classed as bad, although there are a lot of wealthy people who look down their noses at the less wealthy people of the world, so they themselves are often classed as bad or even evil.

  5. I have to admit that I am in total agreement with you. People who are scraping by on Welfare (whether they are able to work or not), are surely going to be resentful of the things that wealthy people can have, that they can only dream of having.

    Some people just don't see the big picture.

    Best Wishes

  6. There are a lot more poor people than rich people and poor people like to think that rich people are mean and unhappy so that they (the poor prople) can be happy that they are not rich

  7. I find that a lot of the time jealousy is a big factor with why people often dislike people of a more wealthy status. Another Factor I'm sure is from the media. Often times Television shows and movies will portray the wealthy as people who will use their money in a way that isn't morally right. And you know people these days and how easily swayed by media they are.  Another factor could be that they are just misinformed. I would suppose that people who don't understand how one acquires so much money may think the worst. All in all I guess its not that the people have the money either, It could be as simple as their attitude about having money. No one likes a snob I suppose. Ha. Anyways, hope this helped. I'd be glad to discuss this more, just mail me. or I.M. me.


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