
Why are western nations so developed, while the rest of the world is not?

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Can you give me historical theories, environmental reasons and social issues to why that is the case?




  1. Western nations are comprised of the rest of the world. That shows that when people work together, everyone does better.  Notice that alot of these under developed nations are those that are against anyone that is not of their nationality or race.  Think about that!

  2. Resources, relatively low population, ingenuity, labour market, health, education, etc.

    However, the west is "rich" at this time in history. Check back in 200 years +/- and things will have changed. Oil rules now.

  3. Western nations are developed from the labor and raw goods of the underdeveloped nations.  They stay ahead by keeping countries in africa mexico and central america in debt.  It's a way of life for the founding founders of the US to take, expand and take again and exploit others by way of force.  Take the amazon jungle for example, we cut those trees down so we can have  paper, furniture and so forth.  Those  people there see the land as sacred and have no desire to destroy the earth for what they consider unnecessary.  The industrial revolution has paved the way for the need of raw goods, minerals and so forth for our consumer nation.  By force, we have done so.  There are so many factors.  We have created an artificial environment, by having surplus, while their or others who starve and have no access to medicine.

    Superior weapons, colonization and religion.  And yeah racism.

  4. yea it seems your fogetting japan which is the most advanced country because they dont have to worry about a military

  5. Most important is 'Industrial revolution'

    Development requires unity, motivation, knowledge and education, resources and will to succeed. Which is not collectively found in developing countries. Also these countries didn't go through industrial revolution, a lot of these countries were under aristocratic rule for centuries. Take India for example, Mogul were ruling over probably the richest nation on earth at that time, but wealth was only limited to aristocrats.

    When western countries were going through social

    upheaval and change, most of these undeveloped countries were colonized by western powers, people were bought and sold as slaves, to work in fields to take advantage of rapidly growing opportunities (and only colonizing powers benefited).

    Even when they did get their independence, most of these countries were/are ruled by corrupt regimes, tyrants, dictators

    etc. So again people with no freedom, living in poverty, oppression are in no position to contribute in advancement of their countries. These countries have one of the highest illiteracy rates.

    In a nut shell the a major difference between developing and developed countries is 'Industrial revolution'. People who contribute in the advancement of knowledge and technology, generally become more successful than their counter parts.

    The industrial revolution meant, production levels increased rapidly due to advancement in technology. Take for example 'textile industry', once dominated by India, after colonizing India(and mainly due to Industrial revolution), British became the masters. Indians lacking the technology could not compete with British.

    'Arabs' were once super power, and they contributed in the advancement in technology and science. There is a 1000 year old British coin, with Arabic on it. A painting of Virgin Mary, with Arabic written on her scarf.

    Countries who are united, have will to succeed, and take full advantage of their recourses succeed. Take 'Japan', in WII japan was ruined but now japan is one of the most advanced countries, with 2nd highest GDP in the world. Japan leads the world in technology.

    Many countries are narrowing the gap, India and China are becoming big players, China's economy is rapidly increasing. Singapore is an example, an unknown island becomes a powerhouse in Asia, and leads in science and technology.

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