
Why are white haired or albinos stereotypes for coolness in japan?

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i know this

before the colonization period albinos were seen like...

... monsters or witches or evil beings in Europe and Asia

... messengers from the heavens in the Americas and Africa

Because of the colonization of the Americas their views somewhat changed...

Because of science the world began to see them more as humans... well, rather just a little bit more

So again...

why are white haired or albinos stereotypes for coolness in japan?

Thats what I've noticed in comics...

Did it start with a comic or a legend or is it culture?

How and why did it began?




  1. Basically as with most societies, the thing that is different unusual and away from the norm is embraced by the young trying to find their own form and place in society. In japan most people are born with Black hair so completly changing your hair colour to White is a persons form of rebellion. much like having pink hair or piercings or tattoos.

    it is not just in japan that this is the case look at emo kids goths punks the list goes on of young people wanting to rebel against a society that they view as old and boring

  2. Maybe the skin of albino is really pale, Japanese like it. Also, characters in Japanese comic book does not look Japanese, isn't that interesting?

  3. Because after WW2 Japan embraced everything westernish. Jose, in prewar japanese comics japanese characters looked japanese, it all changed after WW2.

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