
Why are white men more openmided about dating Asian Americans than white women are?

by Guest64330  |  earlier

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At my job I always see white guys with East Asian girlfriends/wives but never see white women with East Asian American boyfriends/husbands. I was just wondering why white women have such an aversion towards East Asian-American men? Is it all the dehumanization of East Asian-American men from the time of WW2, the Korean War, Vietnam, war etc? It's so funny because with all the stuff women say they're looking for in a man, you'd think that East Asian-American guys would be near the top of the list becuase of their eduction, importance placed on not leaving your family, etc. I think all the stuff women say about what they want is BS. From what I've seen most women who are not lesbians want a man who's good looking but a TOTAL violent, abusive jerk. Then women act as if men are violent jerks when these same women would pick the 1 violent jerk over 1,000 nice guys if given the chance. I just don't understand women becuase they say one thing and mean another thing.




  1. Its a good thing you know what we mean (sarcasm intended)! If I type Asian American in google... don't check the images they tend to be a lot in the p**n industry and g*y p**n.  I am not sure what Asian men offer different then other men, do you?  The man I married isn't an abusive jerk so maybe you should go back to the drawing board before you assume that your culture has anything to do with why you should be higher on the dating list for women.

  2. Where is your evidence in support of this assertion?

    "My job" doesn't cut it.

    Ok, tell the truth.

    This "question" was for you just an opportunity to rant...

    Its obvious that you haven't a clue that Asians tend to marry... other Asians of the same ethnic background.  Cultural, ethnic and linguistic bonds are strong.  In some cultures, religion plays a huge role too.  Example: Malaysian Muslims are most likely to marry other Malaysian Muslims in an arranged-marriage setup.  Complicated, isn't it?

    Asiatic cultures in general are pretty male dominated.   Girls are more likely to be controlled by the patriarchy; they would have boundaries put on their behavior by their families that the boys wouldn't have put on theirs.  So if anything, the opposite of what you say is more probably true.

    "Mark's Girl" most definitely deserves to be awarded Best Answer, that's for sure!

  3. I'm a white American female; I married a Syrian; hopefully that counts.

  4. you hate women, so maybe you should just go g*y.

    Howz that cok taste?

  5. Not entirely sure... but it's not totally true... I go to UCLA... I have seen a lot of white guys with Asian girls... but I also have seen some white girls with Asian guys (though less). I'm not sure... (My neighbor's parents were Japanese-dad and Mexican-mom.)

    Could be a bit o' racism or something because I did go on some UCLA forum w/ my friend and some white girl was ranting about how she keeps seeing Asian girls with White guys... it's like uhh, okay?

    But of course there are many women who do. Just gotta find em.

    And I don't agree with the "Asians marrying into their own kind" thing someone else wrote. I dunno where the h**l you live, but where I live, there are a crazy crazy amt of interracial/interethnic relationships going on... my half-Filipina half-Japanese friend dated a Mexican guy, 2 Vietnamese guys and some Filipino guys. I, personally, am half-White and half-Viet, and I've had crushes on ALL races. I have another friend who is half-Black half-Japanese... and I know a Chinese guy (my friend) who is dating a White girl... though our parents' iron fists and tradition may be strong (mine def is... funnily enough my White dad was making race restrictions which I don't abide by) if you've (an immigrant) gen. grown up w/ the sort of free-loving attitude here you're open to anyone, I think.

  6. I guess that's beacuse of asian men having small p***s that women don't appreciate.

  7. I think it's because Asian women can conform more easily to the beauty standards of our society than Asian men.

  8. firstly, im asian and most women i have been with have been white. secondly, not everyone places caurcasian women at the top of the pile. yes, they are attractive, but i find asian, black, latino and other races just as attractive. also, white women are not 'top of the pile' as one poster said. if you go to the far east, i guarantee you, their are posters and advertisements of asian women, not caurcasian women. just like bollywood is more likely to have indian women as pinups instead of angelina jolie.

  9. According to a booklet published by the Japanese Government and given to my friend before she went to go teach in Japan Asain women will find white men attractive, and Asain men will not find white women attractive. So maybe it's that way round. (Although, in contradiction, we all thought this was rubbish, she's in a relationship over there now, and she's hardly the only sucessful Asain male/white female pairing I know. But that's what they claimed, anyway)

    No, women do not like violent, abusive jerks. *Some* do, but not in the long run (i.e. read Sylvia Plath on the subject: facist boots). But again, in my experience that's a stereotype, an women like the gentlemanly, "nice" men; so long as "nice" isn't being used as a synonym for "spineless, desparate and clinging", which it sometimes is. They want equals. Many women walk out on violent, abusive jerks.

  10. I don't know why American women don't/do prefer Asian Americans, but I find Asian women HAWT. :-D

  11. That statistic actually holds true throughout the country. White women tend to be less likely to marry someone of a different race (either Asian or other). I believe stereotypes play a big role in this, but according to the statistics the trend is changing, and white men and women are marrying more inter-racially with Asian men and women. Although currently about 1/3 of the amount of white women marry Asian men than white men marrying Asian women. I wouldn't that personal experience as meaning all white women have an aversion towards Asian males though.

  12. It seems to me you are dealing with a lot of "straight white woman" with a lack of mental stability (although I would be surprised if you could find one woman that is not driven by emotions). There are many reasons why some woman are drawn to jerks...daddy complex, low self esteem (they think that is what they deserve), past history of abuse, lack of emotional maturity ect.... My best advise is to stay as far away from these types as you can. They have issues to deal with and until they do they most likely would be unsuitable for the type of relationship you are looking for.

    As a stereotypical rule men in general are more open-minded to any kind of dating then woman, woman tend to have more standards. It is not necessarily about the race. Unless you are dealing with predjudice, vain people (I would recommend staying away from this type as well).

  13. Give me a break "sal".

    I think you are using the premise of race to rant about your sexist drivel towards white women.

    I think you have no idea what you are talking about.

  14. honestly sorry if anyone is offended by this but Asian men's moms are really protective of who their son marries and probably scared the girl away and for some reason i think they're happier if their Asian son married another Asian but Asian girls only have to deal with their dad and i think that's for all culture lol and don't let a few women change your mind about the whole overview of the female species lol

  15. White women are at the top of the social order. For this reason, they are relucant to mate with those below them. They will stay single rather than mate with those below them.

    It is not an accident that feminism was a product of white women.

  16. i think most people would say that a guy likes petite, small women, alot of asian women are really petite and maybe they just have that spice?? i don't know but generally most women don't like small men and sometimes ( not saying i agree, just what most people would mostly think ) asian men are also petite and have small frames.

  17. I like asian men..

    im gonna leave it at that.

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