
Why are white people always protrait as racist?

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When a white person kills a black person its called a racial murder, when a black person kills a white white person its called a murder. Why is this?




  1. Some people just seem to show up out of nowheresville that have never heard of either the civil rights movement, the Reconstruction era, or the Civil War.    They seem to be ignorant because they are Europeans, Russians that still live in East Germany, European aristocrats that don't know American history, or retards without an education who never heard of anything!  

    It is not just racism, it is misogeny.  Women are still called "slaves" in parts of the South and are bought and sold by societies of witches.  Why don't people understand that gender bigotry by "witey"  is a serious problem.  There are white guys working on discrimination complaints in the city of Dallas whose case file shows they only accept complaints based on discrimination against  white guys because they are g*y and other types of discrmination complaints are thrown in the trash.

  2. It is easier for someone to play the race card this way. It justifies their whining.

  3. due to political correctness and a nannystate

    and because people voted in a stupid government

  4. Your question is valid and I do not know my self but I may take

    guest and say may be, just may be when the African AKA black kill the European AKA white may be he does it some of the time he does it in self defence and when the European kill the African it's because of his skin which is very STUPID but that's how Thai world is today, very very stupid people unfortunately living in it today. Like I say your question is valid

    I don't think you mean any thing bad about it. Good luck to you

  5. Its just turning the other way there is a shift in power and unless it all becomes about anything but race its going to be t*t for tat between the races for ever.

  6. The curse of the'PC Brigade'!

    Everyone is racist to some degree.

  7. "Always", is such a subjective  generalization.      I have never been called a racist.  Killing, murder?  What's the difference.  They are both homocides, or manslaughter.  Get it?

  8. Probably because white people have oppressed black people for such a long time through slavery, the Civil Rights Movement etc. But, I agree that a black murdering a white can also be racist depending on the circumstances

    Edit: Mopar, ever heard of White Power?

  9. I think that is a broad generalization.  That can only be properly addressed in light of the circumstances of the murder.  If racial slurs are used, if there is a situation where the person perpetrating the crime is moved to do so by very specific reasons related to the race of the victim, etc, then you can probably inject race into it.  I think that in certain areas of the country it may be more pronounced, such as in the deep south where some persons still have very deep seated views regarding issues such as racial superiority and this type of mindset and the actions that grow out of that.  

    Unfortunately, due to the history of race relations in this country (people of color having been on the receiving end of oppression by white people), it's natural that people will always inject race into it, forgetting all about other things that may be factors, such as, mental illness and the like.  Really, it could go either way.  What was it called when Jeffrey Dahmer killed an oriental teenager who ran out into the street naked and a cop returned him (the teenager) to Dahmer, figuring that this was just some lovers' quarrel between two g*y men and the teenage was later found to be cut up in pieces and partially eaten?  I call it the actions of a sick man and as for the cop who let it go, we could say the cop had homophobic tendencies  now couldn't we?  Every situation has to be defined by the circumstances involved.  Can't paint it with broad brushstrokes.  It would only serve to appease those with an agenda...

  10. That's something you have to pay being on top of this white dominant society. Being a white in this society is still easier in most cases.

  11. The only way minority groups can keep there "victim" status is if they have a boogie-man they can point at and say:  'all our problems are because of THEM'.  As long as minorities can point to the "white man" and blame him for all their troubles, they never have to be held accountable for their own shortcomings.

  12. Domination Idea. Whites , White Elites that have put this idea to use with a strong military to do so. To change this idea a new one would have to replace it. Not so much new but the idea to abolish war. To not dominate The Planet. The Domination Idea is then put to use on entire countries with the idea that power and wealth should not be for certain people and the lives of people in those countries do not matter. There was group which was for people not just whites but was about the value of all life and equal distribution of power and money. The Dominance Idea though made for a set up where other live had less value which will continue unless the inevitability of it is questioned

  13. Self-congratulatory white libs and left wing media.

    There are still some people who are aware of the truth but they believe their careers depend upon the fashion of defaming  white people and the glorification of blacks.Often they end up in scenarios of "the Emporers New Clothes",where they all feel the same but as individuals just dont know that.

  14. in school when a 'white' person called a muslim person a name even if it was something not racial at all you would get proper told off and get detention but if a muslim called a 'white' person milky (i know it doesnt sound racist but its not very nice and its pointing out that your 'white' and not like them) absolutly nothing would happen about it!


  15. To cover up the huge disportion of black on white crimes.

         Because if people knew the truth America's mercy and patience would run out.

         + it keeps whats left the middle class in check if you can PC guilt trip them.

  16. racism appears to considered one sided  

    some ethnicities use the "race or religion card"

    I have very rarely heard of a Caucasian using the White card  to their  advantage

  17. It amazes me how as white people we always want to play the victim.  We always defend it by saying if "they" call me a name it's not racist. Says who?  The problem is we are always looking for an excuse to hate because deep down you know there is no legitimate reason to hate just because someone looks different to us.

  18. Why do white people go around saying that they're the minority now?

    White people are NOT always portrayed as racist.  Racists can be of any ethnicity.  And um, I'm pretty sure there's no difference in the law books about interracial murders--unless circumstances point to it being a hate crime, and skin color is not the only factor in those cases.

    Do some homework before you ask questions such as these.  All the assumptions your question relies upon are false.

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