
Why are white women so stuck up?

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I'm sorry and i know someone will get offended, but living in America for years, i realize white women tend to be so very much stuck up, and they all hang out in their little clique of giggly flirty white girls who think it's cute to be stupid. Why is that? no joke.




  1. Because they see stupid hoes like Paris Hilton & Jessica Simpson and think that is what men want. Lucky enough for us ethnic girls, there are no dumb girls like that to set an example.

    A lot of White girls also tend to come from rich families and think they are better than other people just because they have fake tans, blonde hair & Gucci shades...

  2. that is not true..don't generalize...

  3. WOW! Stereotype much?

    And it is natural for people to socialize and hang out in groups of people with similar backgrounds... Maybe if you weren't so judgmental you could get to know some of them.

  4. Giggling and hanging out in cliques does not mean that you are a stupid or stuck up person.  That's just what many girls do.  We can't help it, contrary to what you might think.  

    Yes, I have seen many girls act unkind in addition to the behaviors you described.  They do this, unfortunately, to entertain or make their friends laugh.  It's sad, but true.

    White girls aren't the only people in the world that act like this, and next time you see a group of white girls laughing do not automatically assume that they are bimbos.  

  5. Because they forgetting they came from europe

    first they are to high class they think to much on their self they see other people as tief killer but they cant see their self so white till they pink skinny ugly but danm it

  6. That's your point of view. Who said that they act like that to ALL people?  


    My friends, Shayla, Natalie, Karina, Angelica, Cassandra, Xoceline, Jackie, Alexis, Joanna, Montana, Keona, Aubrey, Miranda, and Chloe, act stuck up to my other friend Valarie. They don't do that to me. It's how she acts.  

  7. There are bad apples in every race but please don't generalize. Some of my friends are a white woman and their NOTHING like what you described.

  8. it may have something to do with being women, and white, and most likely rich or well off.  Maby Paris Hilton was their inspiration.

  9. Because those are the girls you notice.

    There are normal, human, intelligent women all over the place. Problem is, you won't normally find us at the club or bar. At least not in a "clique of giggly flirty white girls."

    I'm sure this will come as a surprise to you, but we really don't think it's cute to be stupid. Honestly.

    Try the library, grocery store, shopping centers, restaurants. Join a book club or some social event that requires brains. Maybe then you'll meet some real women.

  10. Nothing racist and bigoted about you, is there.

    'THEY ALL'....making a blanket statement makes the person making that statement look foolish.

    It is my considered opinion that you're a foolish, bigoted racist.

    Does that offend you?  Too bad.

  11. not all but some

  12. what is it about YOU that white women dont like...

  13. Not all white women are like that. In fact, I don't know any like that except for valley girls in movies like Clueless.

  14. I'm sorry about where ever you live, but I have alot of white female friends and they're not stuck up in the least. They aren't perfect, but not stuck up

  15. i aggree they think their better than everything else , until the fox creeps into the hen coop - ha

  16. I'm not stuck up, me and my friends are not a "clique" we are a group, I have black friends too, we're not giggly and flirty we don't really flirt and we just laugh like h**l not giggle, and I'm the stupid one and not like Paris Hilton, I mean like I walk into a chair and apologize.  But I get good grades.

  17. its because the media dolls up the idea of being a beautiful stupid blond example (Jessica Simpson) one of them is probably playing hard to get just look good ignore them and act like u don't care whether they like your or not if that doesn't work get cha a black girl..once you go black you'll neva go back

  18. your living in the wrong neighborhood lol

    and dont go to a black chick they are worser they are loud !!! i know because i live around them

    date a spanish girl, they are sweeter

  19. of course people are going to get offended, generalisations and stereotypes are always offensive. i like in australia and i've seen the girls you mean here as well, yes they are very annoying, but to make that generalisation about all 'white women' is a racist (and illogical) as saying all black people are criminals because some commit crimes.

    i'm 21, female and white, i'm also a 3rd year bio student with a 4.00 gpa, most of my friends are guys, i spend most of my time studying and am generally described as a bit eccentric. none of the women i spend time with are like those you described, so maybe you're just not looking very hard.

    a lot of women, especially younger women, shape there behaviour based on what they think society demands of them, basically they think that's how they're suppose to act, hopefully most of them will grow out of it and see that there are more important things.

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