
Why are woman more likly to sell illegal DVD's than men?

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need help with course-work




  1. i didn'y know that they were, all the bootleggers i know are guys oh and p.s. to the guy above me, ummm... most women have jobs too.  welcome to the modern world

  2. Since this is for coursework, consider establishing your argument with a premise based upon empirical data.

    The female of a species is there to nurture.  She provides feelings.  One of her desires is security

    The male is around to obtain that which the female may have her feelings.    As humans, the males are the hunters.  Men take risks.  Gamblers and breakers of the law are more likely to be males.  

    Some males, especially the ones with IQs below 105, are willing to take risks, yet without sound reasoning.  (No pun intended.)

    Those who are willing to undertake actions of theivery are willing to deprive another of his property  -  without compensation, of course, hence the term 'theivery'.

    For your project, you may wish to add the element of vocabulary.  Hint:  One difference between a CEO and a prisoner is a vocabulary differentiated by 3,500 words.  The similarity of the CEO and the prisoner is that both live in a gated community.

    Additionally, consider the 7 S's.  



    speak ill of another,

    swig alcohol,

    shoot, snort, or swallow drugs,


    slap, shake, or slug a weaker person - especially a female or a person who cannot return the harm,

    sexual activity outside of marriage.

    Contemplate, for your paper, what kind of person engages in many of these Seven S's.  Pay particular attention to depriving a man of the just rewards of the fruits of his labor.

    To avoid a charge of plagiarism, credit the Seven S's to Harry Johns, DTM in his work entitled, "How To Study More Effectively (& achieve greater success in school)".

  3. Because woman attract guys more

    Thens guys :p

  4. they're sneaky...and less likely to get a tough sentence.  And most men have jobs.

  5. She actually has a point. The majority of movie watchers/collectors are men. Women naturally attract more men and make men feel at ease. Men do not attract men and a man might make another man feel uneasy.

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