
Why are women always awarded the house during the divorce?

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Why are women always awarded the house during the divorce?




  1. Not always. When my parents got divorced my dad kept the house because my mom couldn't afford to live in it by herself.  

  2. I don't know as if they are anymore, most the cases i hear about the house is usually sold and the money is split.  Or some cases one spouse or the other will refinance the house in their own name and pay the spouse half the equity in the home.

  3. Depends on the situation, but I think its mainly because of children needing a place to stay.  Some judges make the couple sell the house instead of giving to one party or the other.  

  4. Judges tend to favor women in a divorce, the man most always loses.

  5. It doesn't always happen that way. Often Mom keeps the house because she may have school-year custody of the children. A brutal fact of divorce, however, is that the family's standard of living will most likely drop. Sometimes Mom cannot afford to keep the house. She has to sell the house, and move to something a whole lot smaller. By the time people get to the end of getting a divorce, many wonder if it was really worth the trouble.

  6. Women are entitled to 50% of all marriage assets BEFORE taxes so how does a guy satisfy that debt? Guess what? You give them the house! Most likely the house is the biggest asset in equity in a marriage and the only way the 50% can be satisfied. Families aren't saving these days as our country has a negative savings rate so where else would the asset be.

    However, 25% of all homes have a second mortgage or whatever cutesy term the lenders use these days. This debt would either have to be satisfied before the divorce is settled or the woman would take the house with the debt. Makes getting the house not as cool.

  7. cuz we rule!

  8. Because men are too much of a p-ssy to put up a fight.

    At the very least, the house should be sold and the proceeds split 50/50.  In todays housing market, that often means that the house sell for LESS than you paid for it, so you also spliot the LOSS 50/50.

    Note that if the cuple can't otherwise agree, MOST court will order the house sold.  But just to make sure, the man needs to file court papers REQUESTING that the house be sold (even if the woman demands it stay with her),  In the case of disagreement, most cousrt willsee the sale as "fair and equitable".

    Women get the house because the man doesn;t put up a fight to protect his interest in the property.  Most men just want to "run away' and pretend this whole thing isn't happening.  Wrong Attitude!

    Pay for a lawyer, get in therr, and FIGHT!

  9. Not always. I lost my house.

  10. They are not always awarded the house. Typically a woman gets the house if she has been a stay-at-home mom and the children are still small OR if she worked and paid a significant portion of the mortgage. Of all the divorces I can think of it's pretty well split 50-50 between who got the house.

  11. I don't know where you live but where I am it doesn't always work that way.  I got the house but I had to pay him half of the equity in order to get a clear deed.  But you can be sure he told his family and friends that he got screwed.

  12. I think it's because women usually ask that they be awarded as the primary care-givers in the Divorce Settlement Agreement (I work for an Attorney and more often than not, the soon-to-be exwives always are the primary caregivers) and typically then men don't want their children on the streets or living in some rinky-dink hotel/, wives=houses.

    For divorces with no children, *shrugs* beats me.

  13. cause they want it

  14. wow..  cuz she deserve it..

  15. Not always, but if she has the children that would be a really good reason.

    If the man has the children, then they should get it.

    I am a women and I think that if neither one has any children, then the person who put the most into it should get it.

  16. They're not... especially in community property states.  If the woman gets the house, she typically has to surrender other assets to compensate or buy her spouse out of his half of the equity.  In many cases, women do not earn as much as their husbands so they outright can't afford to keep the house.  In this case, either the husband keeps it or it's sold.  I don't have the statistics but I would venture to guess that the marital home is sold in most cases.  I do, however, know about 4 men who kept the marital home and their ex wives moved.  Always is a liberal word to use in this case.

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