
Why are women less discerning of who they have s*x with?

by  |  earlier

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Well... u know, prostitution would've never taken off, nor would it reach an all time high this year-- if women were all that discerning. Yes, no?




  1. Some women are more discerning than others.

    When I was young I wasn't all that discerning, i had a "gather ye rosebuds while ye may" attitude towards s*x, and anyway they didn't have AIDS in those days and we were all on the pill and not getting pregnant all the time like young women nowadays seem to do.  some women are fussier than I was, it's a matter of temperement.

    Prostitutes have s*x for money, so it's a business to them, discernment doesn't enter into it, the men they have s*x with are paying customers.

  2. That's not true

    Who says we are?

  3. I know men and women who are equally "easy".  I know men and women who are equally "prudish".  

    As for the prostitution angle you use, who do you think these women are having s*x with...a sexually discerning johns?  Silly you! lol

  4. I'm very discerning about who I have s*x with. Most women are.


  6. Is that the color of the sky in your world?

  7. We are? What evidence do you have for this sweeping generalisation?

  8. If that were true, what can't people like you ever seem to get laid?

  9. Compared to what ?

  10. Gamble, you always have the most *brilliant* questions.

  11. you raise a good question...... Who knows why [shaking my head]......

  12. in what rag do you get your education?  The Star?  The Enquirer?  Grownups learn not to believe everything they read ~ or hear.

  13. Prostitutes get paid.  That's their discernment.  I resent your comparing all women to prostitutes.  Women are much more discerning about s*x partners than many men - because they HAVE more choice.  Men sometimes just have to take what they get.

  14. I do not think this is true.  I know both men and women who have high standards of who they sleep with as well as those who have low.  It has nothing to do with what is between your legs, but rather what is between your ears.

    EDIT-I don't think prostitution is a valid source to judge how women (or men) choose s*x partners.

  15. prostitution is a poor example that actually counters the *point* you're tryin to make

    there are male prostitutes as well as female prostitutes...but guess who their biggest customer is!

  16. Not all women sell their bodies. That is extremely sexist. Males can be prostitutes too, except males don't get labeled badly when they have s*x with lots of people.

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