
Why are women often perceived as nonthreatening to men?

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I've had a recent incident when I've had to confront authorities (ie-boss) about sexual harrassment at my brief mall job. Needless to say he didn't believe me, only laughed it off & then I quit. Long story short, he didn't believe me nor did he take me seriously. I think part of the reason is that 1) he didn't respect me as an employee & 2) he thought I wouldn't do anything about it.

My overall question is: Why do you think women often perceived as nonthreatening to men?




  1. He's a creep. The reason he didn't do anything about it because it's easier to pretend that nothing is going on. I'll bet he's had many employees quit on him.

  2. I think it's just based on your figure, a women who works out alot, has a six pack and huge arms, I'd be afraid of, and probably do my best to keep her happy.

    But a petite women, or even a heavy set women, I'd be less likely to fear, being as physically, I'm large in stature. Though, I'd be afraid to fight any chick cause I can't hit a girl. =/ Lol

  3. women physically weaker

  4. vice versa at my job. women are automatically a threat.

  5. Because men have egos about %100 the size of their p***s', and those are pretty much the only things that matter in hardcore decisions like taking women seriously.

  6. Sexual harassment in the workplace is a common occurrence but it shouldn't be. Your boss must have been a real jerk, but the reason he didn't believe you is because he obviously has given in to society's created sociological difference between the sexes.

    In society, women are highly sexualized figures seen for the pleasure of men. Their roles are understood to please men. When complaining of sexual harassment.. some men may see it as nothing but being playful or joking around because women are constantly objectified and seen as nothing more than sexual objects. This is the reason why women are perceived as non threating to men. Their sexualization allows men to feel empowered and in control. Very rarely would a man complain about sexual harassment from a female coworker. Men are also understood and expected to be more physically powerful and maybe even smarter (though these are just constructions of society.. not truth)

  7. Well not all women are perceived that way. The way you handled it I can see how you didn't pose a threat. When he laughed about it you should have went over his head if you had to. I would not have backed down one bit. You should have done something about it. You should have  talked to someone in management about filing a grievance with your human resource department. Even at a small mall job, I am sure they have an equal opportunity poster somewhere. Call the number on it if you have to. Don't judge all men on this one guy being a jerk.

  8. Just 1 reason is because of females like patios that rant in here, for instance.. They talk a good ball game in an attempt to alter a man's perception of them [ like bragging they are 6' tall, have a black belt in some martial art, went above a bosses head to settle a complaint, slapped a man, etc....] The truth is, men know better ; they're aware most females are clueless in a confrontation of wit or the repercussions they will suffer if they challenge a man. They know females exploit lies to cover their insecurities, behaviors & ineptness. Not all women mind you, however they're an easy read the great majority of the time. There you have it.

  9. Quite the contrary, dear.  Your boss probably laughed because he wanted to humiliate you.  Now why would he want to do that?  Why is so important that men feel like their control by doing stupid things like sexual harrasment in the first place?

  10. I don't think he thought of you as nonthreathening. I think he was lazy and didn't want to be bothered by it.

  11. Hi.  This situation that you've described has nothing to do with you being a woman who is being perceived as weaker.

    The situation had to do with you at work.  If you are not being respected as an employee, then it is something that you are not doing to not be respected.  It has nothing to do with gender, but everything to do with how you're carrying yourself.  

    If you think that he thought that you wouldn't do anything about it, then it should've been your job to make him understand that you will.  You see, when it comes to bosses blowing stuff off because they think you won't ...... it is your job to MAKE them understand that you WILL.  He can think what he wants to until you prove yourself.  And proving yourself takes persistence and strength.  That means not forgetting to cross your Ts and dot your Is, and never backing down.

    Once you prove yourself, respect will be earned.  It takes time and hard work.  It also takes showing people that you follow up on your words: every time.

  12. I think most men are very threatened by women.  They may not show it like women do, women are emotional. Most men think straight forward and can let go of issues.

  13. in my opinion, it goes way back to the old days. women weren't allowed to have jobs and when we fought against that, we didn't even get the same salary as men. men took us for granted. as in sexual abuse, physical abuse. we were just an object. back in the day, men didn't even have to consider women being threatening.

    now if i think that's fair? no way in heck i think it's fair. but i guess it really doesn't matter if it's fair or not. it's not going to just go away. same goes with racism. it's lightened up a whole lot since a couple decades ago. but there's still racism ( and anti-feminism) in modern society.

    (i forgot the word meaning men and women aren't equal. lol)

    anyways that's what i think. hope i could open your mind a little bit more. =) even though it's NOT a good thing.

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