
Why are women so much more strict/boring?

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I have a large number of relatives, and I remember growing up that when I visit my uncles and aunt's houses, my uncles would just let us play and do whatever (sometimes they would even join in our boy games!), whereas my aunts would always be strict and serious and tell us to go sit down or "don't play in this room!" or "don't touch that cabinet"

Now that i'm older I seeing the same patterns in college professors and female managers. My female professors were by far more strict and no-nonsense than my male professors who were more likely to poke fun at their awkwardness.

The worst manager I had was a female human resources manager who I'm sure was the queen of h**l at one point in her career.

I'm not trying to be sexist; I would just like some honest answers.




  1. You may not be trying to be sexist-but you're doing a good job of it-without trying. Your personal experiences do not make the world. Try providing some research vs just your personal experiences if you expect anyone to take your question seriously. Otherwise-this is just another rant in a long line of complaints about women. ho hum.

    For example: Question: Why are so many men s*x maniacs? My personal experiences as "proof": I was attacked as a child by a male-I had college professors hit up on me and try to coerce me to have s*x with them-and I was sexually harassed at some of my jobs. Am I trying to be sexist-no. Does that mean that so many men are s*x crazed? No. My experiences do not apply to all men. Get it?

  2. Girls are awesome, are exactly how old are you?

  3. perhaps you're still childish and bring out the 'mother' in the females you meet.

  4. Most women are boring, but some of us are willing to do crazy things simply for the heck of saying you did it. I'm an avid caver and I strap my baby to me and go, along with the older kids.

  5. That is not my experience. In my life women are the more interesting ones, for the most part. But i prefer the company of other girls compared to boys. I have some guy friends but the rest? I think they are boring with absolutely no depth. No offense :]

  6. I think it's just the kind of people you attract into your life. I don't have that same experience at all. Some guys are strict. Some women are strict. Some guys are easy going. Some women are easy going

  7. While I do think some of it is simply personality, I agree with what you are saying.  In general men tend to be more adventurous and allow their children (or children they are looking after) be as such too.  Women tend to be more protective.  One example from my personal experience has been teaching.  This past last day of Summer School my class had recess as did a male teacher's class.  I would watch kids play and would say "Be careful", "Watch out for ___." "Go down the slide, not up it"  and rush over to students when they were hurt. Where as the male teacher generally just let the kids play.  If something happened he would wait for the student to get up and come to where ever he was.

    I think all children need both.  They need the autonomy of challenging themselves and exploration as well as the knowledge that someone is there to pick them up if they do fall.

  8. not all of them are like that.,

  9. to quote a great movie.

    to understand women:

    "take a man.  remove reason and accountability"

  10. I'm not trying to be sexist, either because everyone I know says I'm a feminist, but I agree with you completely, and I think the reason goes back to the "old days" when the men worked, and the women were in charge of the kids.  When the husband is away (working or whatever), it's left to the mom to handle the discipline.  Sure there was some of that "Wait 'till your father gets home" but typically, it's the women who handle discipline.  I think it's sorta genetic now!  Do I sound like a feminist???

  11. Perhaps other people have different experiences than you.

  12. The harridans are generally trying to prove a point, namely, that they're the Tough s*x.  Of course they take "tough" to mean "obnoxious," while real men would define it as "resolute" or "enduring."

  13. Men are risk takers, we stick our necks out and try new things and don't see the harm in others doing it.

    also, many women have control issues.

  14. I couldn't say.  My husband is much stricter with the children than I am, so the stereotype doesn't hold true for us.  I don't know whether male teachers are less strict than female, i went to a girls' school so I never had any experience of male teachers.

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