
Why are women so scared to touch my?

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  1. Perhaps it's so small that they are afraid of injuring it.

  2. thats something women always will be freaked out by! my mom hates my snakes! i have no idea why, but they just think they are plain gross and slimy, wierd i know haha i just came back 2 this question thinking maybe your thinkin bout a different kind of snake, this shouldn't be in reptiles if u r. idk know why some girls just don't take things fast

  3. maybe you should shave your bush first and then they wont get scared of getting hair in their mouth

  4. Okay.... maybe you just have one unattractive looking snake.

  5. Some Women don't like snakes.LOL. My Mom definetly dose'nt.

  6. Well some women find snakes kinda threatening

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