
Why are women such b*****s sometime is their knickers constantly in a twist, or is it her monthly thing??

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Why are women such b*****s sometime is their knickers constantly in a twist, or is it her monthly thing??




  1. dont you know any PISCES GIRLS?? we are the sweetest....

  2. its why i attempted to remove my wifes ovaries on my own

  3. >: { You are very rude.If I wanted to be like you I would say"Why are you so crazy?!"

  4. Let's do talk about you. Are you the true A$$hole as they say or are you the meat around it?

  5. What a man of the world you are, you'll go far in life...............Not!!

  6. Dear Douche Bag, maybe instead of blaming others, you may try to find faults in yourself?

  7. I'll tell you one thing, I definitely get my knickers in a twist when I hear questions like this.

    Maybe women get b*tchy once a month, but if men cycle ever 90 mins that must explain why there are so many jerks in the world!?!?!?

  8. My life is one big wedgie.  lol

  9. Because we are. RIGHT.  


  10. Guys can PMS boyfriend's not too bad, but a mutual (male) friend of ours is worse than I ever get.

    Sometimes people just have bad days.

  11. Have you ever imagined that maybe they are just b*****s to you because you're an as$hole?

  12. Um...because your an idiot?

    P.S.  If it wasn't for our "monthly thing" stupid people like you wouldn't be born.

  13. Generalising a bit aren't you?  Many men know many women that are not b*****s.

    Maybe you just bring out the best in us?

  14. blame it on anything but comments like the ones you are making?!

  15. blame it on the hormones

  16. If women were brought up to be more confident then this question wouldn't have phased them but ....

    ... look at the seething hormones, hissing hatred and extended claws in the answers here.

    It's like some of 'em can't wait for an excuse to screech like banshees and sink their fangs into a jugular.

  17. Are they always b*****s when YOU'RE around?

    Well, there's your answer.

  18. Why are men such *****? Is it just a lifelong thing?

    Ah, generalizing is fun!

  19. Sorry, you are assuming all women, but you are wrong. Not everybody is a "*****". And hormones have no effect on me, I am a naturally happy person. And that is the truth.  

  20. Holy kibbles & you pissed them off.  

    If these women ever get their hands on you, they'd twist their panties around your neck.  I'm leaving

    before it gets ugly here...  

  21. That is such an idiotic question, that is the same as a woman saying...why are ALL men so violent. Completely stereo typing. I reckon you are a little teenager.

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