
Why are you Brits so hard on Paula Radcliffe ????

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You guys sure know how to beat someone when their down, she is an exceptional athlete!!! Who cares if she cries, she is a flippin human. You guys are lucky to have her, look at our joke american marathon women, 2 dropped out and the 3rd one was way in the back.




  1. Why do people keep tarring us all with the same brush? I've seen no questions on here from british peope slating paula radcliffe whatsoever. The marathon's over now, end of. I actually don't think anybody cares whether she comes first or last she took part right? And I for one haven't said anything about her.

  2. I think the general feeling is that she should not have competed knowing that she was carrying an injury, and when the inevitable happened and she pulled up, that feeling turned to disappointment. Paula is a magnificent athlete, and it is far too soon for people to be writing her off, she is a very gutsy lady and I am sure that there are a lot more races left in her, but I think that she must realize that as she grows older, she needs to give herself more time to recover from any injuries she may sustain

  3. Ehhhh...who?! Never heard of i cant be hard on her...!

    are you serious? they giv out because she cries? omg thats sad, everybody freakin' cries!! god!! (im not a brit, btw) im irish....

    but that is saaadddd....people need to get over it...epopel cry...whatever!!

  4. I am full of admiration for what she has done in the past but she needs to know when it's time to let go.Plus she is a bit of a drama queen.

  5. She has been and maybe will still be a tremendous asset to British athletics but she took a place at the Olympics when she was not fit enough to compete she has been there and done the big events she has nothing to prove but on this occasion she ought to have put her hands up and said she wasn't competitive and let Hayley take her place to give her the experience to take British long distance running forward I'm afraid I think she was just plain selfish like your 110 hurdler Tremell if you are not fit to compete competitively give someone else the chance even if it is to gain experience

  6. I totally agree she ran the matrathon with a stress fracture to her pelvis due to childbirth and totally have the utmost respect for her we are not all the same x  

  7. The thing is, she new she had a stress fracture and that she should not have run. What she done was selfish as she kept an able bodied athlete from competing at the games, all be it a lesser talented athlete, but someone who would have appreciated the chance to represent their country.

  8. We didn't know we were,thanks for pointing that out to us.

  9. I think she is fantastic and look up to her when I'm out running. But the reason a lot of Brits have a go at her is because  we are a lazy race and don't see the work that goes into long distance running. I'm 48 a Brit and don't claim to understand the media. We're not all the same believe me. Paula deserved all the praise.

  10. As a nation we love a looser which is strange, Paula Radcliffe is a winner so we arn't sure whether to like her or not, it goes against our love of loser's(think of say, Eddie 'The Eagle' Edwards - British ski jumper and national hero for coming last).

    So we arn't sure what to say about her.

    Personally I think she is a great athlete. OK she was injured and not prepared for this race, however with her there is a risk of that and there is also a risk of her actually winning (she was leading the field for the ffirsthalf wwasn'tshe? UUntilher lack of training showed - she has the pace still). For that reason I think it was worth her entering the race, the other British runners are quality athletes too but not quite up to potential of winning... this time but wait till London.

    Oh, and in a cynical note... see the next marathon she enters, she will win that (by ccoincidencethe next one will be one where she gets appearance money, and a prize for winning)

  11. Well some people are, but I Still believe in her

    What is all this that she is past her best

    Who won the New york marathon?

    I would love to see all of the doubters run 26.2 miles in 2 hrs 15 mins!


    She is still the best in the world and I will only walk away when she walks away

    Go on paula

    sorry but yeah your marathon runners do suck lol

  12. because some of them are stupid. I have seen this a thousand times, a great athlete and should be commended nor put down. I am a Brit by the way but just can't understand it. Armchair feckin athletes, who wouldn't get off their fat backsides to go out and compete, but complain, moan and whinge about how the person is useless. Forgetting all that went before. I am not like that.

  13. to the comment above me

    she was the second british athlete back and that is an achievement!! stop slagging her off!  no british athlete could have probaly got better than that!  

  14. She has done great for the UK but I think she is past it now & should retire because she is now abusing her overall health & making herself look silly.

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