
Why are you Pro Abortion... Anti Abortion ?

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I personnally feel that a woman has the right to choose, its her body and she has the right to choose plain and simple, whatever her reasons may be thats her choice she will be the one that will live with that decision. We dont know why shes doing it and its no ones buissness besides hers. Whats your take on abortion? Do you think its an important issue in our election coming up? Im not going to judge you if ur pro or anti abortion thats youre right and opinion, but if youre just going to be rude about it dont bother answering! Thanx :]




  1. I have to agree with the first response-women in desperate situations will always find a way to manage thier lives, circumstances and bodies in the manner which best suits thier needs.  Historically, women are not the only victims of the infection and death that often followed shoddy, illegal, back-alley procedures- there are hundreds of photo-documented cases of mangled, disabled children born of these incomplete, unprofessional procedures.  

    While there is a moral question and a responsibility to try at all costs to avoid unwanted pregnancies, we are not always in control of the final out come (unless the human race decides to abstain completely-which is unlikely to happen, as human intimacy is as important to the body, psychology and emotions as affection, food and shelter).

    Science has revealed the process by which the embryo develops.  For the first couple of weeks, there is a development and division of cells.  By the first month, those cells are only beginning to form a zygote, whose basic organs have not yet materialized- this is not a viable "unborn baby", which is why many of these pregnancies result in failure or miscarriage, early in the first trimester.

    While this (and all development of life) is certainly a miraculous process, there is no comparison to be made from a division of cells and a fully formed or viable human life; one with responsibilities, hardships, dependants and relationships.  

    The only group that seems to find a measure of equality between the two are religious groups, who are basing thier opinions not on science but thier own emotions which are deeply rooted in thier particular brand of faith.  This a country that was founded on freedom of religion- one's beliefs should not determine the lifelong path of another,fre citizen.  No one truley knows the circumstances of other people- or the emotional toll that a decision like this takes.  I find it ironic that many pro-life supporters continue to support capital punishment and support war over diplomacy, which claims the lives of yet more fully-formed human beings.  What makes these people feel like they are in the prestigious position of playing god? Deciding when death is acceptable and what constitutes actual life is not something anyone is qualified to do- the best we can do is allow people to live out thier lives and make the decisions that they need to.  For those who are truley concerned about the sanctity of life, there are thousands-probably millions of full-term, growing children in regions all over the world (especially third world countries) who reside in inhumane settings and are waitinf to belong and be loved.  Adopt them. Provide for them. If respecting life, at all costs is a priority, why not begin with making the ultimate sacrifice- provding the care and upbringing for those EXISTING children.  Let the women of this country adhere to thier own value system, manage thier own bodies and worry about thier own secret problems.  What a productive solution.

  2. Yeah, you're right. She has a choice to choose and she chose to have s*x. Nothing is 100% safe besides abstinence, so if you risk it and get pregnant that's on you. I don't think anyone has the right to kill a baby. If you find a product that is 100% safe and you get pregnant, then you have a case.

  3. Because a child is better off not born than born into a family where he will be resented for the rest of his life.

  4. I am pro abortion because just think of how much better the world would be today if Marjorie Cheney had believed in abortion in 1941...

    .....Or Barbara Bush in 1946.

  5. My grandmother felt all her life her life would have been better if she had not gotten pregnant with my mother and had to get married.She would have finished her schooling.She would have chosen a better husband than my grandpa.A angry drunk.And hard to live with when he was sober.She spent my moms hole life blaming her for s******g up her life.My mother grue up in a dysfunctional family and so did us 3 kids as well.I have spent my hole life wishing I had never been born.My life has been h**l.A Manic deepest life.No long term deep relationships.

  6. "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." Jeremiah 1:5

    This is why I'm pro-life.

  7. in my heart every child deserves to live. the only exception of abortion i could live with myself if if the doctor came and said chose your life or your child's(keep in mind i have other kids).

    if women dont want kids, dont get pregnant, use birth control.

    some women use abortion as birth control or as a way to marry a man.

    and if its a result from rape then i cant speak on under that term.

    keep in mind i am a woman too.

    each has to live with there choices and decisions, and im not judging either.

  8. My personal opinion on this is shaped by my faith.  I believe human beings have a soul.  I believe that is what makes a human life a human life.  I believe it is what gives human life more value and rights than animal life.  I believe that a human being has a soul from the moment of conception.  Since having a soul, and not ability, or size, or age, is what I believe qualifies a human as a human, then I believe all humans that have a soul are equally human.  So that would include humans that are not yet born.  Now, the next step of logic is, should all human life be protected or just some of it?  Well, I believe all human life should be protected.  I don't think it is ok for someone to kill another human being who has a soul just because they are disabled, for instance.  Or just because they are Jewish.  Or just because they have darker skin than other human beings.  Or just because they are not yet born.  In my view, they are all equally human, because they all have a soul.  Now, if I were to say it was ok for a woman to end the life of a person (soul) that was in her womb, to be consistent in my belief I could not really say it was wrong for a woman to end the life of a paraplegic that was inside her house.  I would have to say it was between her and her god, or something like that.  Because if I am going to ok the killing of one class of people, then I don't really have consistent ground from which to criticize or disallow the killing of another class of people.

    Some will say that as this belief comes as a basis of my faith, and as other do not share my faith, that I do not have the right to force decisions derived due to my faith on others.  That is true.  But in issues that effect the quality of the society in which I live, I do have the right to avail myself of the democratic process to attempt to influence that society in the direction I see as best.  Because the society I live in directly impacts my life.  Those that do not share my faith also have the same right.  Those who are best able to persuade others of their point of view will be the ones who influence society.  If society decides that human beings do not have a soul, and that human life begins at some other point than conception, then my responsibility is to accept that, and attempt to use the democratic process to influence a change.  I do not have the right to violently or by force attempt a change.  Just as those who do not agree with me would not have the right to violently or by force attempt a change if society decided humans do have a soul and life does begin at conception.  But they would have the right to attempt to bring about their own change through democratic process.  

    Now, if I was appointed King of the World and solely responsible for the policies enacted, then I would need to enact protection of all human life and enforce it, for then it would be my responsibility.  As it stands now, however, my responsibility is just to use the power I do have, my vote and my voice and my (limited) funds to bring about the changes I view as necessary through the democratic process.

    And those that disagree with me also have that option.

    All the best :-)    

  9. Pro-Life!

    It's all about protecting the innocent.

    Life begins at conception

    A fertilized egg will become a person given it time and all people have the right to life.

    If you are pro-choice and allow to kill an unborn baby at will, that is not different from someone taking someone else's life out code.

  10. Jesus would never condone an abortion.

    Why can't one choose to smoke pot; but one can choose to kill a baby?

  11. Why behave responsibly when you can just have the baby killed. Death from botched abortion is a reason for baby killing? Nice try poster number 1.

  12. Funnily enough, as a liberal myself, I prefer that government stay out of a woman's decision as to what to do with her body.

    When that fetus can breathe, then all bets are off, until then, it's not a life.

  13. Your body must be considered off limits to those who would use it to advance their own agendas, be they political or religious. Godfreaks and politicians should NEVER be allowed to make medical choices for other people.

  14. i grew up thinking...anti...lived life a while..started realizing everyone has a choice in everything they do....everything isnt black and white..there are many shades of gray..and thats one issue in particular...until you walk a mile in the shoes of someone who has went thru an abortion...why are you judging cannot know the pain they have went thru and for most its not an easy decision...i dont think it should be as important as some are making it...i do believe the late term abortions should be banned..and babies born should be nurtured and not left to die...i don think its the same thing as an abortion at 10 weeks..but thats my own opinion...

    edit: since i have went and read other peoples post..i must say one sin is bigger than any other sin other than taking the lord's name in if you have are just as big a sinner as someone who has had an that old saying living in glass houses..blah blah..wanna throw arent any better as a person than anyone else..and you do not have the right to tell someone how to live..and if  a man had to give birth...this would be a total nonissue

  15. I am anti abortion and pro choice.I don`t think anyone is pro abortion,as it is a terrible thing for any women to have to endure.Women by nature like babies,so if a women chooses not to have the baby she is carrying there is probably a really really good reason for her decision.Keep in mind the current administration is pro life and abortion rates have not declined at all.Obama is pro choice but he intends to shift the emphasis from abstinance to education and make the process of adoption easier.I believe this to be a wise and noble path.

  16. I don't know of anyone who is "pro abortion".  Only anti CHOICE people use such language.

    I am pro CHOICE.  The issue is important because McCain has vowed to appoint very conservative justices to the Supreme Ct in order to overturn Roe v Wade.

  17. I think one thing that many of us forget is that God gave us all free will.  That being said, I am anti-abortion and so is God.

  18. I personally feel that A BABY HAS THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE!!!  For crying out loud!  How about a baby woman?  Did you know that a FETUS feels PAIN during the abortion, and that the doctors don't like to offer anesthesia to the mother for her CHILD, because it will make her feel guilty about the abortion and prevent the abortion.  WHAT IS THAT!!!!!

  19. Pro Choice

    There is a difference

    10 thumbs up to the 1st

    answerer.They had access to birth control

    and abortions long before the general Public.

    Women choose to have s*x(free will)

    They don't CHOOSE to get pregnant.

    They certainly don't do it on purpose

    so they can have an abortion.

  20. I am pro-choice.  A woman should have the right to choose what to do with her body.  And if she makes the choice to have unprotected s*x then she needs to face the consequences of her choice.  Once there's a fetus, then the baby should have some right to life as well.  Using abortion as a means of birth control is murder, abortion for protection of the mother's health is self defense.

  21. I have yet to find somebody who is pro Abortion. But I am one of the many people who is pro choice.

    I also know many people who loudly claim to be anti Abortion, who have availed themselves of such services.

    I am just glad that women can have such a procedure under medical supervision.

    Being a Nurse, in years past I saw all too many women dying of back alley Abortions. Gruesome.

    And when men can die of an Abortion may they gain the right to

    speak out against it.


  22. Abortion is not a black and white issue of being pro or anti. There are times when it is OK or necessary to have an abortion in order to save the life of the mother. This is the case where we have an ectopic pregnancy for instance.

    Some people also think that women who are raped by enemy invading soldiers in a war zone and fall pregnant are entitled to an abortion if they can access a doctor and hygienic conditions where one can be performed.

    Some countries like China, for instance use abortion as a social engineering device. I don't like this. It doesn't consider the life or needs of the mother, father of the unborn child but whether the population of the country will fit a certain set of statistics by a certain date. In this case a couple must be careful not to become pregnant more than once. It also leads to unnecessary abortions if couples want to have a boy and the woman keeps falling pregnant with girl children and aborting them. Down the track this practice leads to a shortage of prospective wives. This is the case in China today.

    When it comes to who should choose to have the abortion, most women say that it is their body so they have the right to choose. This is OK up to a point. We must remember that the life of the child is always at stake. Even those who argue that it is not a person cannot deny that it is a life. There is a heart beat in the featus from two or three weeks.

    Food for thought.

  23. I'll take a stand for the other side here. In no way do I judge the other side though, i'm kinda on the fence about this. If I were a politician/lawmaker, I would vote pro-choice. If the majority of your voters are pro-choice, thats it; period. As a personal thing, I kinda have a problem. Sort of a conscience thing that won't go away. I definitely call for limitations. The reason is that America has completely lost track of the value of life. How can we candidly through a life away? Don't gimme any of this fetus $*** either, there is a big difference between a rock and a fetus. It's definitely a case-by-case scenario. However, i think we are creating a morally weaker society. We go to war all the time, we have abortion clinics everywhere, media violence through the roof. nothing shocks us anymore. thats the most shocking thing of all to me.

  24. I'm going to break this issue down a bit, to help better understand;

    Q: "Isn't it a womens right to choose, plain and simple?"

    A: I would say no, because it is not her body as many like to think, it is the baby inside her, not her body, thinking under that logic, would you also consider your son as your body, even after he's born, and since he's your body, you can have a right to choose what you do with him? A child is a living thing, not some "thing" in your body that you can do away with. Senator Joe Biden voted that there should not be an extra sentence for harming the life of an unborn child while committing a other crime, Sen. Biden voted "yes" on that, but he voted that he believes life begins at conception, just to point out.

    Q: "We dont know why she's doing it and its no ones buissness besides hers, is it?"

    A: That is also a failed logic. You could say that since her son that she can doing anything with, since it's her body, can also kill him after he was born if she wanted to, because that is no ones buissness besides hers. You see? That logic does not make sense. Yes, a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body, but an unborn, living child is not her body, as I aforementioned.

    As a side point, let me just ask you this? If a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body, considering the logic that an unborn baby is not living (which isn't right to start with, just following along with the logic to make a point), than why is it illegal to inhumanely abort the baby, and it's legal to humanely abort it, if it's not alive to begin with?

    Q: "The government shouldn't be telling women what they can or can't do with their body, should they?"

    A: To a certain extent they shouldn't, for example, them telling you that it is illegal to get a tatoo, that would be wrong, but this point that many pro-abortionist's like to make is failed because that 'extent' is broken, because it is a human life you are aborting, not some part of your own body.

    As a side point, If women should be aloud to do anything they want with their body, then why is it illegal to commit suicide?

    Q: "So your saying that if a mothers life was indangered, due to her being pregnant, she wouldn't be aloud an abortion to save her life?"

    A: That is when the issue becomes a choice, the mother then has the right to choose.

    Q: "How is a pro-life president going to lower the amount of abortions in a year, when they have went up since Bush took office?"

    A (and fact): That idea that abortions went up when Bush got into office is wrong. It is statistically proven that since Bush has been in office, the number of abortions a year is at it's lowest since 1981.

    Q: "How is making abortions illegal, going to lower the number, women are just going to find more ways to do it illegally?"

    A: How is making ownership of a gun illegal going to stop people from getting them? That is when two liberal logics contradict themselves right there. For example, lets just say assaulting someone was legal, hypothetically of course, and all of the sudden it became illegal, alot of people would still do it, right? Yes, but since it is illegal, and people still do it, make the punishment for the crime stricter, and less people will do it. Same with any law that is often broken, and cannot be stopped, make them fearful of committing it. It may seem harsh, but that it has to be to stop it.

    I hoped this simplified why people are pro-lifer's to you, and hopefully showed you which is the right pro.

    Edit; And may I also ask the answerers that answered saying it's a womens right to choose. What gives you the justification for saying its a right?

    R: in Biden's case the woman suffers a loss of utility from the satisfaction of delivering a baby and raising a family. In the case of the abortion, the woman suffers a loss of utility from having the baby, as does society in many cases

    My response: But that does not give her the right to have an abortion.

    R: it is her business if she kills her son: her son has friends who would miss him.

    My Response: Are you kidding me?! "it is her business if she kills her son:" That is insane, you are saying that murder is okay as long as the ones left behind don't mourn? Every human life is precious. So what if you had no family, nobody, no friends, nothing, should you be able to be killed without consequence?!

    R: because forcing the the mothers a humane abortion comforts them. This is good because if she knows she cannot support the baby but has it anyway because she believes it will feel pain, society is left with the burden. Also, this is an olive branch thrown the way of pro-lifers; making abortions humane is a small concession as opposed to not allowing any. It's not even a concession (pro-choicers don't derive utility from inhumane abortions)

    My Response: "because forcing the the mothers a humane abortion comforts them." I agree, and I'm not meaning to say that all mothers that abort think that a baby isn't alive, I'm mainly pointing that out to the ones that do think that, as a point. Society is also left with a burden for people on welfare, but we shouldn't just get rid of them because of it.

    R: there is no one definition of life that is agreed on. Even if you say you are against taking all life, I imagine that you will kill a beetle without qualms. Pro-lifers make an untestable distinction then between sentient life and biological life which is as arbitrary as pro-choicers make between "part of a woman's body" and individual.

    My Response; A human life is more precious than an animal or insect. Would you let a human baby die to save a baby beetle? That comparison is terrible, it bewilders me that you can see that as an equal comparison, an unborn living child, and a beetle or insect?

    R: Earlier you mentioned that " Yes, a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body," did you not? Besides, a suicide victim has friends and family who would lose utility from her death.

    My Response: Yes, I did say that, but I also said "that 'extent' is broken, because it is a human life you are aborting, not some part of your own body." A women does have right to do what she wants with her body, to the extent that is doesn't kill a life, I should have said that along with it. Religiously and non-religiously, a life is precious, and is considered so, and should not solely be based around the "utility's" of others.

    And why did you not respond to all of my answers?

  25. It's pro-choice; pro-abortion implies that you're all like "oooh. killing fetuses, fun stuff!"

    statistically, abortions lower the crime rate--unwanted children may become unloved children may become criminals...

    Furthermore, who does murder really hurt? The gut answer is the murder victim but consider his/her fate. If you are an atheist, then you believe that when someone dies they just *poof* disappear. since they're dead, they can't regret being murdered. If you are religious, then the few years a murder victim loses in their life are a tiny splash in the bucket next to eternity.

    Murder really hurts the people who are left alive, the family and friends of the victim. However, a fetus has no friends and the family has decided that it is better off with the baby; it will morn the baby more than the loss.

    And if you are religious and believe that people having abortions will go to h**l?

    The bible makes it quite clear that God will judge them so you wont have to.

    rebuttal time

    Q: "Isn't it a womens right to choose, plain and simple?"

    A: I would say no, because it is not her body as many like to think, it is the baby inside her, not her body, thinking under that logic, would you also consider your son as your body, even after he's born, and since he's your body, you can have a right to choose what you do with him? A child is a living thing, not some "thing" in your body that you can do away with. Senator Joe Biden voted that there should not be an extra sentence for harming the life of an unborn child while committing a other crime, Sen. Biden voted "yes" on that, but he voted that he believes life begins at conception, just to point out.

    R: in Biden's case the woman suffers a loss of utility from the satisfaction of delivering a baby and raising a family. In the case of the abortion, the woman suffers a loss of utility from having the baby, as does society in many cases

    Q: "We dont know why she's doing it and its no ones buissness besides hers, is it?"

    A: That is also a failed logic. You could say that since her son that she can doing anything with, since it's her body, can also kill him after he was born if she wanted to, because that is no ones buissness besides hers. You see? That logic does not make sense. Yes, a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body, but an unborn, living child is not her body, as I aforementioned.

    R: it is society's business if she kills her son: her son has friends who would miss him.

    As a side point, let me just ask you this? If a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body, considering the logic that an unborn baby is not living (which isn't right to start with, just following along with the logic to make a point), than why is it illegal to inhumanely abort the baby, and it's legal to humanely abort it, if it's not alive to begin with?

    R: because forcing abortions to be humane comforts the mother. This is good because if she knows she cannot support the baby but has it anyway because she believes it will feel pain, society is left with the burden. Also, this is an olive branch thrown the way of pro-lifers; making abortions humane is a small concession as opposed to not allowing any. It's not even a concession (pro-choicers don't derive utility from inhumane abortions)

    Q: "The government shouldn't be telling women what they can or can't do with their body, should they?"

    A: To a certain extent they shouldn't, for example, them telling you that it is illegal to get a tatoo, that would be wrong, but this point that many pro-abortionist's like to make is failed because that 'extent' is broken, because it is a human life you are aborting, not some part of your own body.

    R: there is no one definition of life that is agreed on. Even if you say you are against taking all life, I imagine that you will kill a beetle without qualms. Pro-lifers make an untestable distinction then between sentient life and biological life which is as arbitrary as pro-choicers make between "part of a woman's body" and individual.

    As a side point, If women should be aloud to do anything they want with their body, then why is it illegal to commit suicide?

    R: Earlier you mentioned that " Yes, a women should be able to do anything she wants to her body," did you not? Besides, a suicide victim has friends and family who would lose utility from her death.

    Q: "So your saying that if a mothers life was indangered, due to her being pregnant, she wouldn't be aloud an abortion to save her life?"

    A: That is when the issue becomes a choice, the mother then has the right to choose.


    not quite a rebuttal:

    Thank you James B for one of the most intelligent, sound arguments on abortion I have ever seen. If we did not share different warrants, I am sure I would have been swayed by your logic.

  26. Pro-choice-it is a woman's individual decision.

  27. I am prochoice and am sad to watch the anti-choice movement take predominance over our economy, national debt, and sons and daughters in Iraq.

  28. I feel the exact same way as you. It's her choice and hers alone. She is the one living with the aftermath of her own choice.

    I personally don't think it should be an issue that helps people vote on their elected officials. Let's worry about our kids educations, our taxes and other IMPORTANT issues and stop worrying about what is going on in the corner doctors office.

  29. I don't agree with abortion.  I don't like abortion.  But I do not think the government should tell a woman they can or cannot have a child.  I just think it sets a precedent.  If we let the government have that power now what is to stop them from abusing that power later and becoming like China and telling parents sorry you have 1 kid you must abort this one when they want to control the population.That's one reason, the other reason is that I think everything happens for a reason.  I know what it is like to find out your pregnant and be so happy about it and I know what it is like to dread hearing that the test was positive when you really didn't want to be pregnant and scared half to death.  But you know I had those children and my life has been so wonderfully blessed in  so many ways.  Those children are the best part of my life.  I love them the same.  I love them both to the maximum. I just feel that sometimes God gives you what you need not necessarily what you think you want.  He knew how much they would both mean to me. I just didn't recognize the miracle at first but I am so glad he did. I am so glad I accepted my blessings.

  30. I am anti abortion

    this is not about having a right to choose its about responsibility and murder

    a woman CAN choose to have s*x or not, and if she chooses to, she has to know that there may or may not be consequences...


    life is not a free-for-all and no one should run around acting reckless, and then think "i can just abort it"

    Obviously, i know that accidents DO happen, but lets not get carried away and use abortion as a form of birth control

  31.    So are you saying a women doesn't choose to take off her pants and open her legs. I think that is a choice. And don't give me the what about rape, cause only 3% of abortions are because of it.

        Many women use abortions like birth control. If you don't want a kid keep your pants on. Or you are a killer plain and simple.

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