
Why are you Pro-Bush?

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Help me out here because I'm confused by all of the conflicting stories about this administration and all the conspiracies gadding about.




  1. Those who are "Pro-Bush" are those who wish to maintain the status quo and wish to maintain the lifestyle of the rich and famous. These people are concerned about maintaining their wealth at the expense of those of use who actually work for a living.

  2. Some people are pro-bush because he's a republican, and a lot of people in this country have been suckered in by the two-party system (actually a one-party system - with a stranglehold on US politics).

    Neither party has this countries best interests in mind, only propagating their own existence.

    Unfortunately, no 3rd party candidate can stand against the political machine, so the best you can hope for is the lesser of two evils.

    The Bush administration has been extremely secretive (which is where most of the conspiracy theories come from).  You don't have to look to wackjob theories to see that Bush/Cheney and company are inept, incompetent, greedy sons of b!tches though.

    Invading and occupying a country that didn't attack us.

    Blatantly profiteering off of that 'war' (halliburton, KBR, Blackwater).

    Lowering taxes on the rich.  (The 'trickle down' theory).

    Gauranteeing record setting profits for oil companies.

    It's time for these people to take a hike.  McCain would just be more of the same.

    I'm not laboring under any delusions that Obama is our 'savior' or anything.

    But at least he is willing to attempt to rectify the situation this country finds itself in.

    Rather than just dig the hole deeper.

  3. Evie,

    I  am not 'pro-Bush' but I feel that Bush has taken a lot of hits that are undeserved. I think this is due to him defeating Gore in 2000.

    For instance, people think he is "pro-wealthy" when in fact the wealthy elite tend to be democrat. Think of George Soros and the Hollywood crowd - Barbra Streisand, Brad Pitt, Susan Sarandon, Redford, and the others.

    Bush also took hits for the invasion of Iraq - called a liar for it. Yet, saddam claimed to have WMDs, and used them in the Iranian war, and against the Kurds. We had proof he had them, we didn't have proof he didn't have them. The British and french thought he had them. And, in the long run, we did remove 550 metric tons of yellow cake uranium in July.

    Bush got blamed for a slow response to Katrina - but the democratic governor, and the democratic mayor didn't ask for help until way late. By federal law they have to declare a disaster area and request federal assistance.

    Bush has slowed down NAFTA which has cost US jobs, and he has kept us from getting hit again by terrorists. Those are two big issues.

    Bush can't be too bad - Pelosi and Reid keep giving him over 98% of what he asks for.

  4. Because we are better off than we would have been under the idiot Al Gore, or the coward, "cut & run" John Kerry!

    The Democrats have always been "name-calling" whiners, without substance. I don't necessarily believe everything the Republicans say, but it carries more credibility than the c**p the Democrats offer. Democrat positions are too Liberal & Socialistic. Many of US have served in the military to defeat those ideals. WE know the "price" that Democrats don't.

    Many of the "pro-Bush" answers are dead on. The "anti's" are just partisan, mind-numbed, robots, not worthy of consideration, seriously.

  5. No, I am pro Constitution, and you can't be both.

    I believe in Constitutional government.  I don't believe in going to war without a Declaration of War, by the Congress.  And I don't believe in attacking nations that haven't attacked us.

    I want to see a return to honest money, which the Constitution defines as "gold and silver', not the inflationary federal reserve notes, that allow our politicians to steal from us with inflation.

    I want my civil rights restored.  I want to see the Patriot Act, Military Commissions Act, Protect American Act, National ID Card, and the Department of Homeland Terrorism abolished.  I want our foreign policy changed to one of non-intervention in the affairs of other nations.

    I want to put an end to the continual effort by criminal politicians to disarm the American people.

    For these reasons, I could neither support the current Administration, nor Obama, nor McCain.  I will be voting third party.  I value my freedom.

  6. Common sense.

    Oh, and consider the alternatives:

    1 - Algae the Green Guy, and

    2 - The Moron from Massachusetts.

    Like I said: Common sense.

  7. The thing to do is stop listening to all the mass media outlets and decide for yourself. Are you worse off than before Bush took office or do you Think your worse off because you are being told to feel that way?

    I wonder how many people in the so called mortgage crises who have lost their homes blame it on Bush and how many of those people made a bad financial decision and simply got into a home they could not afford?

  8. I think he has done wonderfully well on certain issues and less well on others.

    He certainly has not followed the normal GOP politics and has saupported big government which is not a Repiublican value.

    He has accomplished a lot in spite of incredible opposition and sabatoge by the Liberals who have worked hard to defeat his every move even at the cost of American lives.

  9. He did what people wanted at the beginning, and now he is a bad guy. After 9/11, everyone wanted him to go to war and he did, now he is the bad guy. I understand we should of been out of Iraq a long time ago, because now people are just killing because they aren't happy, but come on.  

  10. I am in favor of bush - but this has nothing to do with politics.....
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