

by  |  earlier

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Most of you kids come from broken homes, a lot of you are living with someone without marriage and having kids out of wedlock. Many of you are on your third or fourth marriage and shuttle the kids along for your thrills, all about you.

Polygamy sounds good by comparison.




  1. As a precursor, I'm not against any form of relationships between consenting adults.

    However, do watch out for any answers with "child abuse" or "sexual abuse" in them when refering to why polygamy is bad.  These answers are ignoring how much child and sexual abuse exists in monogymous relationships.  Abuse can be a serious problem in all types of relationships from all cultures.  Singling out polygymous relationships as abusive is a form of discrimination.

    Just be aware that many of your answers may be filled with preconceptions and potential discriminatory words.

  2. Wow.. nice assumptions. You make sane people sound really terrible; but at least we don't physically or sexually abuse children.

    I'd rather be married a few times or even have a kid when I wasn't married then to be as cowardly as to brainwash and hurt helpless kids.

  3. I am not against it.

  4. you forgot to mention the drugs and alcohol and all of the children that are being molested, yes polygamy does sound better.  The only part I can't condone is they are using a religion to control and brain wash the people and are molesting their children.  "unforgivable"

  5. The truth is I am not agianst it as I once was. I know wom out there who are single withkids and are struggling their azzes off and all of the men they meet are poor, still live with their parents,don't own a car, don't have a job etc etc.

    If my wife would allow me and if I got along with the woman, I'd take her into my home and care for her and my wife.

    The problem with polygamy is the child rape issues that we've been hering about. That happensand that's why it has such a bad rap.

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