
Why are you a Democrat? ?

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I am a Republican. I am just wondering what makes a Democrat.

I would prefer intelligent answers since there are many intelligent Democrats.

I am interested in real credible answers, not just that Bush sucks or the economy and war sucks.

Thank you.




  1. Because I believe in helping ALL people to survive, job or no job. My liberal beliefs are mostly due to me wanting to help others. Some people may disagree and say you should work for what you have but Jesus wanted us to help the less fortunate. We shouldn't deny that for our own selfish reasons.

  2. Social justice

    democrats (or Northern states) fight for rights for blacks, women, g**s.... they make sure to remind everybody that all people are created equal.

  3. Well I have not better answer than what you have said...Need more words!!!!!

  4. Sometimes I register Democrat, sometimes Independent.  I have voted for Green parties, Republican Parties but mostly Democrats.

    It's not because I like all their candidates.  But over our history, the Democrats have, for the most part, been uniters not dividers.  As a voter from Rhode Island once said, "Any working man who votes Republican isn't paying attention."  In the past the Democratic party has been strongly for the working man and Republican party for the businessman.  I can barely remember when Eisenhauer was President - a Republican but he never attacked Demcorats - he worked with them and created our interstate highways and made college accessable to the working man and woman.  When Nixon startedRed-Baiting Ike wouldn't support him - his own VP!  Now there was a  Repuublican who truly thought of his Country before his Party, my knind of guy.  Back then Republicans, businessmen, were fiscally conservative.  Today they spend like crazy and pay by borrowing while criticizing the Democrats for  trying to pay as they go.  This is complete roll reversal.

    Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican who I admire.  He created our National Park System and fought corruption tooth and nail but the Republicans kicked him out so he formed his own party "The Bullmoose Party"

    Franklyn Roosevelt, a Democrat, was able to lift the spirits of a broken country and put people to work any way he could. Painting art, building dams and roads, housing etc etc. But his greatest gifts to this country was developing Social Security so that people  who work all their lives will have at least a little something to tide them through their sunset years.  He was called a "socialist" by his enemies but that money was earned by the workers and they recirculated it through our economy.  It was good for the people and for the country.  The final thing he did was take us to war at the right time and in the right way.  Our factories converted and the people united.  He didn't use fear but helped the people overcome fear.  That's greatness appealing to our greatness.  Finally, Kennedy.  Many hate Kennedy but I think he was the greatest president of our time.  He stood up to Russia not out of ego, but to get them to actually do something - remove missles from Cuba (Now we are putting missles around Russia.)  He had the vision to get our space program going.  But his greatest gift was forcing Alabama to integrate their schools at the cost of loosing the South to the Republicans.  He placed his country before his party and was assasignated for it.  But his greatest gift, more than standing by the Germans when Russia blockaded Berlin, was his innate ability to inspire ALL Americans as well as people around the world.  America's reputation was bright and shiny then.  When I was in the army stationed in Germany, a few years after his death you could go into a German's house or an Englishman's house and you'd likely see a picture of Kennedy with a piece of black ribbon in one corner.  

    I know Republicans love Reagan, but he divided this country against itself in order to gain control.  That's when people starting calling Liberals communists.  He funded the Contras who were a bloody bunch of real terrorists who killed and maimed indescriminately in Nicaragua because they were wanting a socialist government.  That didn't seem American to me.  It seemed sneaky, underhanded and cruel.

    I'm for Obama because among other things, he has pledged to bring America back to gether.  I dont know if he can do it, but from the way he has run his campaign I know he will do everything he can to make it happen.  I think for this nation to meet the challenges it faces, challenges we've never faced before - Global Warming, overpopulation, colossal debt, and loss of jobs to other countries, etc: we will have to be as united as we were when we geared up for WWII.  

    United we stand - divided we fall.  Sure we all know that.  But what do we stand for?  Torture?  War for oil?  Calling our trusted allies "cowards?"  Secret government?  Instilling fear into Americans?  Dividing us into Patriots and Anti-Patriots because we dissagree?  

    That's not going to get us through the coming challenges.  This is why I'm voting Democrat.

  5. I am a democrat because I believe it is the job of our government to give voice to those who have no voice. I believe in public education and that all people are entitled to a decent and free education. I believe we need to take care of those who need help taking care of themselves. I believe in a woman's right to choose to end a pregnancy. I believe that war is detestable and morally wrong and should be a last resort under all circumstances, once all other peaceful possibilities have been exhausted. I believe that all Americans have the right to defend themselves but I am totally opposed to anyone carrying a concealed weapon -- if you want to carry a weapon, why not make it a big one so we can all see it and avoid you? There is no reason for anyone other than a police officer to carry a hand gun. Assault weapons should be illegal under all circumstances for all citizens. I firmly believe in the separation of church and state. We all have the right to choose to worship or not worship in whatever way we choose, in the privacy of our homes or our places of worship. I believe that marriage between consenting adults should be a choice that the adults make, and not something that government needs to regulate. These are all issues that are part of who I am and what I believe and I can't imagine being anything other than a democrat.

  6. Jesus rode in on a donkey.

    This should letter should bring about world peace because it unites The Tow, Jewish, Muslim, and Christians in an undeniable Way that could only be from God. Please examine it carefully it will end the war in the Middle East because Muslims believe they are descendants of Abraham Isaac and Jacob too.  The Muslims will stop attacking and the war will end due to this scriptural revelation that is also in their bible, they are religious fanatics too.

    And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the most high God.

    This is Jesus because He is high priest of the God most high, and in John 2 his first miracle was

    Joh 2:1 And the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee; and the mother of Jesus was there:

    Joh 2:2 And both Jesus was called, and his disciples, to the marriage.

    Joh 2:3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine.

    Joh 2:4 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, what have I to do with thee? mine hour is not yet come.

    Joh 2:5 His mother saith unto the servants, Whatsoever he saith unto you, do it


    Joh 2:6 And there were set there six waterpots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews, containing two or three firkins apiece.

    Joh 2:7 Jesus saith unto them, Fill the waterpots with water. And they filled them up to the brim.

    Joh 2:8 And he saith unto them, Draw out now, and bear unto the governor of the feast. And they bare it.

    Joh 2:9 * When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was (5748): (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom,

    I can pass a lie detector test that will confirm that the nail hole scar in my right wrist opened as I read the book of John. I bear the scars in hands, wrists and feet. I was doing what We (God, some angels and I) had called my best friends study.) I was looking for the people in my life, my friends now and then, in the bible, my book of life, the little book of sealed prophecy. I can find conversations I have with people, now on earth written in the bible because I am fulfilling the sealed prophecy

    It was written and protected all those thousands of years to prove whom the Messiah was and what he would do on earth.

    It (the bible) is a court submittable document that proves without lying wonders that I am the Messiah. I wanted to see what my best friends then and now are like.  I subconsciously touched the scar, and then touched the Bible, smearing the book. God whispered “read the words” the blood of your crucifixion have stricken through and they are as above, from John six through nine.

    I believe that proves blood to Word and water to wine and peace. So how about a toast!

    If that could be proved and it easily is, it would show that Jews, Muslims, and Christians all descend from heaven to be born here in the flesh.. We would all realize that We are all the antichrist, and stop the war. The harassment given by ghosts (schizophrenia) would stop and there would be world peace.

    Fortunately because the anti Christ (Salvation Army) forbids food and marriage it is possible that this document could be delayed in being delivered. You see my church tells me smoking and wine and coffee and weed all kill my Spirit. I am happy I am persecuted because I know all these eloquent wisdom’s is monkey dust…See I cussed and did not I guess some churches do lie. This document should and will chastise my church and result in world peace. God is Good.

    So I am studying to see if we can take me off the cross yet. I am trying to prove that it isn’t what enters the mouth but what leaves it that is dangerous to a person’s eternal life. What you are doing is ugly, making up lies about the bible and teaching it to Our Children. I am trying to prove that Muslims and Jews disrespect America because of bread wine and marriage. They think that we are the great Satan because we are anti Christ. They say that we are the Harlot because Jesus asked that we give thanks for bread and wine. Since we disobey our husband we are acting like a prostitute who does not obey her husband. If we would turn back to the Word of God Jesus would be exonerated and we would have world peace.

    I prophesied the word Melchizedek (I thought it might be my true spiritual name) about 10 years ago and have been curious every since, so lets find out. Through Melchizedek, Jesus and Warren Dean McKinley, The alpha and omega of our faith,  that it is proved that I am a beautiful bachelor bridegroom. I could help bring world peace if the Salvation Army, the Internet people, and everyone else could talk to me, but they wont right now. They are either ashamed of me or they might be ashamed of their Harlotry. Directly before writing this I read that many do because they are ashamed of what they have done. Couldn’t we please grow up and think about our  

  7. I'm a Democrat because I want g*y marriage, I have a lot of homosexual friends I want to see some be happy with the one they love enough to make that final step.

    I want stem cell research to be open. My grandfather had a stroke during an operation and is currently paralyzed from the waist down and his left hand is in the shape of a claw. Can you imagine how amazing it would be if my grandfather could walk again by the use of stem cells? No longer would he be condemned into that god forsaken chair he could do things again that he hasn't been able to do in a long time, such as go swimming in his pool, fall down without having hte fear that he can't get back up.

    These things here are reallyt eh key factors to why I'm a democrat.

  8. I am not a big fan of organized religion nor its agenda of imposing its definitions of morality and values onto those who are more than capable of making up their own minds and leading their own lives. I have too many times seen the Republican party pander to the religious right in the shameless and dishonest ploy of portraying itself as the "moral" party.

    I do not mean to insult you personally by saying these things, it is just the way I see the Republican party's agenda as a whole.

    I vote Democrat because in truth, I am anti-Republican.

  9. Social everyone said... that and...ummm

    well, Republicans are hypocrites!

  10. Social justice.

  11. I first became a democrat when Clinton was in office and when he left office and Bush entered that just justified my decision. Basically I believe in pro choice a human has the right to do what they want to their body. Democrats fight for the rights and welfare of middle and lower class americans lowering taxes, increasing minimum wage, making health care more affordable, lowering tuition etc. I feel as though republicans are more interested in keeping the rich rich and whatever happens to anyone else they don't concern themselves with it

    Also I feel as though democrats are less judgemental when it comes to religion (even though the majority are christians) g*y rights, abortion, birth control etc.

  12. Mccain is planning to reduce taxes from 35% to 25%.

    Ok I like that idea but:

    If he is planning to stay in Iraq for a "100 years", I seriously wonder where all the money is going to come from. It has cost over $3 trillion for the Iraq War so far and most of it is out of tax payers money.

    Money doesnt grow on trees you know unless he privately funds the war.

  13. history teaches that the stock market performs better in Democrat admisitrations

    "Is a nation regarded as "great" for how it cares for the rich and powerful, or by how it cares for the weak and the vulnerable"

    I find the Republican party somehow lacking in social compassion

    ((( as sarcasm:

    I’m a conservative Republican because I want to use the notion that “G/god exists” as a political, social and economic tool of unearned entitlement while I demean others for utilizing beneficial social programs like welfare and school lunches because they don’t help me directly at all. )))

    ((sarcasm again:

    I’m voting Republican because while I like to make

    lots of money by using arcane methods of economic

    suppression not seen since the dark ages and taking

    advantage of society like a biological parasite,

    I don’t want to take any personal responsibility

    for the well being of society. That’s because taking

    that kind of responsibility would mean I’d have less

    stuff to own. I’d much rather take the kind of

    responsibility that says I get to act irresponsibly

    as long I get richer. )))

  14. I have always voted for democrats because they represent what I believe, but should a republican ever do that, I would vote for him/her too.

    For example, in this current election, I believe teachers need raises, the NCLB act failed for lack of funding and only punished good people.  I am pro-choice (AND personally anti-abortion, but no one can speak for everyone); I think neither I nor anyone has the right to tell a rape or incest victim that she MUST bear that child.  

    I believe that minimum wage should be indexed to inflation.

    I do not believe oil is the answer.  We need to end dependence sooner, not stall.  Even if we can stand it, the environment can't.

    I know, as a scientist, that global warming is real, and we must alter our ways drastically.

    The list goes on, but that's the general idea.  I don't always agree with everything a democrat stands for, but for the vast majority I do.  And frankly, I can't understand why non-rich people vote republican.  I've personally only known people who have been hurt by their beliefs, and are suffering still.  I would honestly like to know if there's a solid reason beyond single issue voters (i.e. pro-life).

  15. "Mccain is planning to reduce taxes from 35% to 25%.

    Ok I like that idea but:

    If he is planning to stay in Iraq for a "100 years", I seriously wonder where all the money is going to come from. It has cost over $3 trillion for the Iraq War so far and most of it is out of tax payers money.

    Money doesnt grow on trees you know unless he privately funds the war."

    If we stay in Iraq, we have a strategic point and once the Iraqi oil starts pumping again, global supply will increase and the price of gas will fall by a lot, especially because we'll have first priority.

    If we leave Iraq, we get 0 oil production, suffer a military defeat, and Iraq gets completely ruined by some invaders, and a VERY large war takes place, your choice.

    And historically, the democrat party raises taxes, making the economy look better for a short period of time, but it does severe long term damage to the economy.

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