
Why are you a Vegan or Vegetarian?

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Is it because you care about animals?

is it because you care about your own body and want to be healthier?

Or for other reasons?

I would love to be a vegetarian mostly because of my body, but its so hard!! so instead i've reduced my chicken intake, and now i pretty much stopped having beef!.. pork? neverrrrr!! no sausages either!!! so bad for you... im trying to eat more fish too.... its the least i could do (for now.. in the future ill be even better).... anyways there is no need for mean comments here plz




  1. Because I care. I don't think its right the way the animals are treated so I decided not to endorse it. I used to be a meat eater and was rude to vegetarians. But once I did some research I realized how badly I really felt.

    I'm very interested in becoming a vegan but haven't had the time to fully research about it and figure out how I would change my diet. I'm almost there I just have to start reading labels. But with my family it's really hard unless I start doing ALL of my own grocery shopping. Someday maybe I will be a vegan.

  2. to save the animals. go on you tube, or

    you'll see what i mean.

  3. I don't believe in using animals for my personal advantage or benefit. People who ridicule us vegans for our choices really bug me. I don't understand how someone can just turn a blind eye to the cruelty. It's not right. Animals were never intended for our use and it sucks that others beg to differ. It makes me sad.

  4. I stopped eating meat and very few eggs and milk only for the animals ,however, I have lost weight without even trying ever since i became a vegetarian and the diet is very good for your skin due to lots of vitamins.

  5. it is not because we care about your body it is because we care about animals or we just don't like the taste of meat

  6. I became one because I never liked meat to begin with, plus it makes me sick sometimes. I also wanted to be heathier and help out animals. I just don't really see the need to eat meat, when we can survive off of plants. Good luck with vegetarianism. :)

  7. its because of this video.

    : (

  8. I became Vegan for the animals. Coporate farms are the worst and if you saw how they kept their animals you'd think twice before eating meat or dairy.  The abuse is so sad and so uncalled for. Baby calves are torn from their mothers at birth and thrown into tiny cages so the mothers can be milked and the calves can later be turned into either a dairy cow or veal. and thats if they even live. its so sad. chickens are left by the thousands in barns. its so unsanitary and the farm doesn't even weed out the sick and deformed chickens. I don't disagree with eating meat. It's the abuse that the animals go through. They feel pain and fear jus as we do. Surely we could find more humane ways of handling the animals before they're turned into food. The sight that really turned me from vegetarian to vegan was watching farmers rip baby calves from their tiny cages by their tails and push and kicking them onto a truck. They were so scared and confused. It's wrong. If you're going to do it for your body that great. But if you're going to do it for the animals go Vegan and do your research. You'd be surprised in what u find

  9. i am vegan because animals suffer just for our satisfaction. I mean, why eat meat and other animal products when there is so many other things you can eat? Watch the 30 Days episode where the dude goes vegan for a month.

  10. The Golden Rule/ethic of reciprocity

  11. I'm a vegan because of ethical reasons, but also because i truly think its the natural human diet. I gave up pork first when i was 9 because i thought that was most unethical, and it just escalated from there. Looking back, i feel better about myself. Also meat is connected to alot of health problems, what with it being high in bad fat and the only food containing cholesterol. I don't think that humans by evolution/religion were designed to hunt, kill, digest meat or milk. eggs can be argued, but the industry is terrible so i don't eat them. That's just my opinion. =)

  12. I'm a vegetarian because I thought about what was in my bowl for dinner every night. Just think about it, a chicken was slaughtered just so you can have your meat serving for that night. I mean cows and pigs and chickens all live their lives without having to kill us for food, why should we? Personally, I've been to a street market in China and it was not a pretty sight. :(

    I also did it for health reasons, now that I stopped eating meat, I lost weight. In the past, I used to eat a lot of meat and I was like really chubby. Now, I just eat mainly fruits and veggies with a little bit of grains. I do, however, have to have some egg for protein and milk every once in a while to prevent me from dying of malnutrition.

    Everyone else in my family thinks I'm crazy, but they haven't got a clue or haven't thought about morals and beliefs. If you really do want to become a vegetarian, you have to ween yourself off of meat. It takes self control to not want meat anymore. Don't be like my friend who couldn't resist meat and ate it at a buffet. Self control, my dear. And you'll get there.

  13. Trying to become a Vegetarian (still eat fish trying to give that up)


    Health:Our stomachs dont have the same acids as animals do to digest meat thats why it rots instaed.Meat has the worse type of fat in it saturated fat that has been linked to cancers blocked arteries and other health problems.

    Ethical/Moral:Even the bible has a passage in there about not eating meat proverb12:15 animals shouldnt be killed and slaughtered basically murdered for a person to eat . I am a environmentalist and animal activist.

  14. cause animals shouldn't be on peoples plates.

    and its gross.

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