
Why are you a Vegetarian ? Just wonderin .=]?

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I was Just wonderin y u guys are Vegetarians , I am possible considerin this , So i would like to know ur Reasons =] Ty ^^




  1. for 1 becuse i am a huge animal lover and 2 what they do to animals in slaughter houses are just cruel

  2. I'm a vegetarian for health reasons. In particular, I inherited some really horrible stomach problems, and awhile back, I heard that meat stays in your system too long and messes a lot of things up. I made the switch, and 90 percent of my issues have disappeared. It's been 7 1/2 years, and I haven't looked back.

    Even if that weren't an issue anymore, I don't think I would go back to eating flesh and fowl (since I never ate fish to begin with - Bleh!). It's nice to know that I'm also contributing to less animal suffering and fewer environmental problems. Not to mention that the food is often fantastic!

  3. Start eating some delicious veg dishes..u will not ask the same question again.

  4. i was once vegetarian as i had it in my head that meat made you fat .. lol ... but am now over this ...

    but my cousin believes this so won't eat meat

  5. I am a buddhist and i want to stop killing and to cool off my hot temper and it is a great success.

  6. Coz I love all kinds of animals,insects,birds......I'm an animal lover...I cannot hurt them.....

  7. animal cruelty

  8. beside all the reason here , I want to add that eating a plant base diet.

    your immune system get the boost to fight many  illnesses. including aids , diabetes, gout, etc.

    since I became vegan, I notice That I don't get sick as often as before.


    my 30 reasons right there

  10. No I am not but it is healthier to eat less meat and more veggies, fruits and whole grains.

  11. i am a vegetarian because i hater the fact millions of billions of animals are dying for the sole sake of our tastebuds

    if you say you love animals and that is the reason you want to go veg, thats awesome.

    in my opinion you cant say you love animals and eat them

  12. I have several

    1. Compassion for my fellow creatures

    2. It's healthier

    3. It's more environmentally sound . The drain on the worlds resources to produce meat is enormous.

  13. well i grew up as one and my taste is just like that i luv tofu and fruits and such ^^ also i'm Buddhist >< and i get gross seeing something die or thining about omg i'm eating that XD just the way i am i guess and my mouth would feel dirty jsut can't explain very well meat has this strong smell also that u can't get use to since its not in my system

  14. I'm an animal lover, and I love all manner of creatures.

  15. I'm a vegan because I try to respect all life. We don't need meat to survive anymore, so why should animals suffer just so we can be happy? It doesn't seem fair to me. That's my main reason.

    Also, the health benefits are great. I used to be really chubby, but I've lost about 30 pounds since I've gone vegan.

    I'm so much healthier now. I also used to have really bad acid reflux, but that's gone away for the most part since I went vegan.

    Another good reason I'm vegan is for the environment. This website explains about all the damage factory farming does on our environment.

  16. i'm not fully vegetarian (i still eat fish) but i stopped eating meat because i feel really sorry for the animals - they have horrible lives. i also swapped milk for soya and only buy free range eggs. i know this isn't perfect but i can live with this for now. i admire vegans for what they do.

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