
Why are you a con or a lib.... why are you so one sided?

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don't you thik that people should get together for a better America




  1. you are right, fisherman! but how!

  2. Look at your answers so far for my answer.  The so-called liberals, the people's party etc are supposed to be the most open and caring yet they are in reality the most hypocritical and judgmental.

    I out grew the Democratic party during the Clinton embarrassment and have never looked back.  I loathe the left and probably always will.  But unlike them I don't read 'Freedom and Justice for all" as saying 'Let's give everyone everything because we should all be equal'.  Instead I see it as everyone should have the opportunity to work and accomplish their goals.

    The liberal movement has been dragging our country down actively since the 60's and will continue until Americans wake up.

  3. I'm a moderate Republican...Arlen Specter 08'

  4. Yeah... Why not...

  5. independent.

    Yes, I do...

    But it's funny how some of the responses here are proving your question right.

  6. I think Zaorox hit it right on the head. All of us whether we will admit it or not have to have a lil of both conservative and liberal views.  I consider my self conservative but I enjoy helping people, kids, etc and worthy causes.

    It would be impossible to be just one sided. I get confused sometimes at what I read in YA and how both Conservatives and liberal people can be so dang mean but I think it's just confusion from all of us because so many things are so unpredicatable during these days, people  in high places that we trusted, have let us down or this new , fairly new situation in dealing with terrorism and all. We will all have to get together sooner or later, hopefully sooner and put aside the ugly stuff and work together,  Like they say, We either hang together or hang separately.

    We are all Americans in the end, This is OUR Country!

  7. Yes. I think we should get together and agree with me! I am Mostly conservative, but not too much. I believe in the right to carry arms. I am mostly against abortion, but not 100%. I am for lower taxes and letting people make their own way without a lot of government interference.

  8. I am a former Republican... and NOT one-sided.

    I was raised in California and have seen the worst of BOTH parties... sadly, within our system of governance there ARE two primary parties, and they pander to their "base"...

    Whether it's the religious right or the god-less hedonists.... the tree-huggers or the logging companies... war-hawks or peaceniks... the unions or business... the teachers or students... America or Mexican-pesos...  America or the Chinese-yuan...

    I agree... the people want a "better" America... and it's time for the MIDDLE to put pressure on those in Washington and their respective State-houses to get to WORK, stop posing for the media and the extreme...

    I would suppose I'm conservative under the OLD definition... (pro-death penalty, reduced welfare, hard on crime, smaller government, and a Judeo-Christian basis of law)

    Yet I'm Jewish, I'm an environmentalist, I'm a ranch-hand at times, I've worked as a teacher, engineer, and served as both enlisted and officer in the US Navy...

    ALL extremism is bad...

  9. Sure I would love that, but you would have to ask some of the Rove -bots that answer here.

  10. I'm liberal because I hate the way that cons assume they know what is best for everyone. And the whole narrow mind. Let people be who they are.

  11. I'm a centrist.. fiscally conservative, small government, scrap the Patriot act.. nothing against g**s or, but don't think Roe vs. Wade should be overturned.

  12. I am not one sided.  I agree with conservatives on certain issues and liberals on others.  That's what comes from having a conservative Dad and a liberal Mom... happily married for 40 years, by the way!  ;-)

  13. I tend toward liberalism, because I believe that everyone has rights.  I don't want my own rights trampled on by those who don't happen to agree with my views.  Therefore, I try not to trample on other people's, either.

  14. see i'm a lib when it comes to a lot of the new issues, but i dont think you can lump your views on the whole political spectrum into two categories, because i mean this country was founded by some of the most extreme liberals ever, and the conservatives are good because they are like ok now lets keep it this way, but then the world starts to outrun the us, and then bush's approval rate goes down and then the conservatives go hide in their caves and make fire, while the liberals get a liberal into office who puts money into alternative fuel, and education instead of spending it on unconstitutional foreign wars (I mean police actions).  It's a system of checks and balances, it's just that the conservatives have more babies because they don't believe in protection...

  15. I'm a moderate - I'm conservative on some issues and liberal on others.

    However, you are asking people to change the way they think, and they often believe that what THEY think is what would be best for America, so getting them to change their minds is NEVER going to be easy.

  16. I'm a moderate but lean to the left because i think when you let religion influence policy as much as the GOP does you're asking for trouble.

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